Financial Literacy Project: Introduction

FindLaw and Thomson Reuters have partnered with the American Bar Association's Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section to create The Financial Literacy Project to help you understand personal finance, create a financial plan, and act on that plan. The Financial Literacy Project is intended to be a long-term, evolving public service project. Empowering ourselves changes our lives. Empowering others changes our communities.

In this video, representatives from Thomson Reuters and the American Bar Association discuss why they partnered to create the Financial Literacy Project.

Video Transcript

John: Hello, this is John McMeekin, chair of the American Bar Association's torts trial and insurance practice section, otherwise known as Tips. The ABA is the largest association of lawyers in the world, with over a hundred thousand members from across the legal profession.

I'm joined today by Mark Haddad from Project Overview at Thomson Reuters, who you'll hear from in a moment. Together, we're excited to introduce you all to the Financial Literacy Project, a joint initiative between ABA Tips and Thomson Reuters.

Through this important project, we seek to increase financial education throughout the United States with a special emphasis on helping underserved and youth populations. In a nutshell, the project will consist of short educational videos designed to promote economic empowerment by equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve sustained financial well-being.

As chair of ABA Tips, I’m very pleased to have our volunteer lawyers lead the way on such an important public service initiative for our communities. Mark, can you tell us a little about your Thomson Reuters role here?

Mark: Yeah, thanks so much, John. Like John said, my name is Mark Haddad, and I’m the general manager of our small law business. At Thomson Reuters, we feel that it's our responsibility to use the tremendous resources and insights that we have to better our communities. And to help meet those who have a need for things like financial literacy. It's important to us because it's important to you. Financial literacy ensures that individuals and communities are:

  • Robustly living
  • Living in healthy ways
  • Equipped with the tools that aid in those communities’ wellness
  • Have the tools to aid in the lives of the individuals that we serve

We couldn't be prouder to be working with the ABA Tips organization to do this very thing, so we hope that these resources prove helpful and useful to individuals who can leverage them.

John: In conclusion, thanks, Mark, and thank you to Thomson Reuters for your contributions to this incredibly important project. As chair of ABA Tips, I’m very pleased to have our volunteer attorneys, through the help of Thomson Reuters, lead the way on such an important public service initiative for our communities. The Financial Literacy Project stands to help so many people in so many ways, and we're excited to witness the positive and impactful change the project will have on the lives of others. Remember: knowledge is power, and financial education is knowledge that lasts a lifetime. Thank you and take care.

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