Protect your family or
set up your business
Get the help you need with FindLaw’s DIY tools
FindLaw, the #1 trusted source for free legal information, brings you affordable, high-quality forms and services. Secure your future today.

Take legal matters into your own hands
Thinking about end-of-life plans can be overwhelming. So can starting a business. The do-it-yourself tools provided by FindLaw make these tasks easy and affordable.

Self-service solutions
Complete your estate planning and set up your business entity from the comfort of your own home, no lawyers needed.

Attorney-created forms
Lawyers created our forms according to each state’s laws, just customize to make them yours
Easy-to-use services
Take the hassle out of starting and maintaining a business by letting us do the work for you
Estate planning forms and business solutions made easy

Secure peace of mind with estate planning
We provide accurate and affordable estate planning forms created and vetted by lawyers. You can customize your last will and testament, power of attorney, health care directive, and free HIPAA release forms from the comfort of your own home.

Create a trusted foundation to ensure future success
FindLaw Legal Forms & Services has partnered with LegalZoom to offer business solutions for busy entrepreneurs. Get step-by-step help with business formation, registered agent services, and ongoing compliance.