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Make your health care wishes known

Create a Connecticut health care directive with FindLaw’s attorney-created forms and easy step-by-step process.

Choose your Connecticut health care directive options

Make your health care wishes known so you stay in control of your treatment with a health care directive. Ensure comprehensive protection for you and your loved ones and secure your future with an estate planning forms package.

Health Care Directive

Customize a health care directive to suit your needs

What’s included:
What’s included
Step-by-step guided process
A health care directive tailored to your needs
Attorney-approved document compliant with your state’s laws
Free HIPAA release form


Estate Planning Package

All the forms you need to create a personal estate plan

What’s included:
What’s included
Last will and testament
Health care directive
Power of attorney
Free HIPAA release form
A comprehensive plan — for less

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Reliable Connecticut health care directives done fast

If you are ever medically incapacitated and unable to communicate, your loved ones might not know which medical treatment choices to make on your behalf. By leaving a health care directive, you can provide clear instructions about your treatment choices and decisions on end-of-life issues. This can potentially protect your family members from the difficulty of having to make these decisions for you.


Written by:

Kimberly Lekman, Esq.

Contributing Author

Reviewed by:

John Devendorf, Esq.

Contributing Author

How it works

The process takes less than an hour, and you can complete it from the comfort of your home.

Create an account

Create a secure account which is accessible through an easy dashboard you can access any time

Gather information

Decide who will be your health care agent/proxy, which treatments you would request or refuse and release your records

Complete your document

Answer all questions, then we’ll generate your digital documents for downloading, printing, and signing

Make it legal

Print and sign your document according to instructions. Give copies to your doctors and agent/proxy

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  • Learn the most common estate planning terms

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What’s next to make my Connecticut health care directive valid?

If you want a health care directive, you can hire a lawyer or use a health care directive form from a reliable source. If you use a form, follow these steps:

Decide on your medical treatment preferences

Your health care directive is a type of advance health care directive. It is a legal document that allows you to specify your medical decisions in case you become unable to make these choices on your own. You will need to decide whether you would want to remain on life support systems if you have a terminal condition and whether you would want cardiopulmonary resuscitation (“CPR”). If you are unsure about these choices, you should talk to your doctor and loved ones before committing to them.

Choose your health care representative

Under Connecticut law, you have the option to choose a health care representative as part of your health care directive. Your health care representative should be a trusted person who you designate to make medical treatment decisions on your behalf. You should also designate an alternate health care representative in case your first choice cannot perform the task. Other terms for a representative may include a durable power of attorney, health care agent, or health care proxy.

Sign your health care directive

You should sign your health care directive and appointment of a health care representative (your “advance directives”) in the presence of two witnesses. The witnesses should then also sign your advance directives. The person you are choosing as your health care representative should not act as one of your witnesses. If you have named a conservator, this person cannot be one of your witnesses either. You can find more information about your witness choices in our FAQs.

Distribute and store your health care directive

After signing your health care directive, you need to make sure that the right people have a copy of it. Make sure that your health care representative has a copy. Close family members and health care providers should have a copy. You may also consider depositing your health care directive with an online living will registry. These services allow medical providers to access your health care directive online in the case of an emergency.

Update your health care directive

As a general rule, it’s a good practice to review your advanced directives. You should also review them if you get a new diagnosis, have gone through a divorce, or have changed your mind about your preferences. After updating your advance directives, make sure that your loved ones, doctors, and health care representative all have a copy.

Common questions about Connecticut health care directives

To create a valid health care directive in Connecticut, you need to fulfill certain requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You need to sign your health care directive
  • You should be of sound mind. This means that you are able to understand the consequences of health care decisions and of the legal documents you are signing
  • There must be two witnesses present when you sign your health care directive. They should also sign. Neither of your witnesses should be your conservator or health care representative.

Your Connecticut health care directive does not need to be notarized to be legally valid. To make your health care directive self-proving in Connecticut, you and your witnesses need to swear to an affidavit in front of a notary public.

Yes, under Connecticut law, there are certain people who you cannot name as your health care representative:

  • Your attending physician or advanced practice nurse
  • An employee of a government agency that is financially responsible for your medical treatment
  • Anyone who works in a nursing home, hospital, or residential care facility where you are a patient, with exceptions for blood relatives.

Your health care representative cannot act as a witness to your advance directives. If you reside in a state-run health facility, you may need to ask friends or family members outside of the facility to witness your health care directive and your health care representative designation.

Yes, your doctors are required to provide you with comfort care and pain medication to keep you physically comfortable. Your health care providers will provide you with pain alleviation treatment as appropriate. They will do so regardless of whether you have a health care directive.

Yes, in Connecticut, an out-of-state or foreign health care directive is valid. But you must have created it according to the laws of that state or country, or in accordance with Connecticut laws. The provisions in the health care directive must also not be against Connecticut public policy.

If you have moved from another state, it’s a good opportunity to revise your estate planning documents. That way, you can make sure that they are valid under Connecticut law and reflect your current preferences.

Under Connecticut law, your health care directives only become effective if your situation meets both of the following criteria:

  • Your attending physician or advanced practice registered nurse received the advance health directive documents.
  • The nurse or physician determines, in their professional medical judgment, that you are incapacitated. Note that “incapacitated” refers to a patient who can’t make an informed decision about their health care choices. Further, they do not appreciate the benefits or risks of their treatment options.

So, these criteria establish that your health care directive does not become effective while you can still understand and communicate your health care choices. It only becomes operative in more serious medical situations or where you are unable to communicate.

Yes, you can leave an anatomical gift of your body or part that takes effect after your death. You can leave the anatomical gift for research, transplantation, therapy, or education. If you leave an anatomical gift, this will go into effect upon your death.

You can revoke your health care directive at any time. When you revoke your health care directive, you should inform your health care representative and any medical care providers who have a copy of it.

To revoke your health care representative designation, you must make a written revocation. You then need to sign the revocation in front of two witnesses. The witnesses must also sign the revocation. A divorce or legal separation will void any designation of your former spouse as your health care representative.

An effective way of revoking your health care directive is to create a new one that revokes anything prior.

You may want to speak with a lawyer if:

  • Your family disagrees with your medical choices
  • You don’t know who to appoint as your agent
  • You have questions about life prolonging measures
  • You want legal review of your completed document
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