Make your health care wishes known
Create a Delaware health care directive with FindLaw’s attorney-created forms and easy step-by-step process.
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Make your health care wishes known so you stay in control of your treatment with a health care directive. Ensure comprehensive protection for you and your loved ones and secure your future with an estate planning forms package.
Health Care Directive
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Create a Delaware health care directive from the comfort of home
If you ever become seriously ill and unable to make your own health care decisions, your family and doctors may not know what medical treatment choices to make on your behalf. Through a health care directive, also known as an advance health care directive in Delaware, you can make your own medical choices in advance and name a health care agent to carry out your wishes. By making your choices clear you can spare your loved ones from having to make difficult medical treatment decisions for you.
FindLaw provides everything you need:
How it works
The process takes less than an hour, and you can complete it from the comfort of your home.
Create an account
Create a secure account which is accessible through an easy dashboard you can access any time
Gather information
Decide who will be your health care agent/proxy, which treatments you would request or refuse and release your records
Complete your document
Answer all questions, then we’ll generate your digital documents for downloading, printing, and signing
Make it legal
Print and sign your document according to instructions. Give copies to your doctors and agent/proxy
Plan for your future with confidence
This free guide will help you:
Learn the most common estate planning terms
Understand the essential estate planning tools
Gather critical information with an estate planning checklist
What’s next to make my Delaware health care directive valid?
Validate your health care directive by following these steps:
Make decisions about your medical care
A health care directive is a type of living will (sometimes referred to as an “advance directive”). It allows you to make treatment choices in case you ever become medically unable to make them in the future.
To complete your health care directive, you should decide whether you would request or refuse life-prolonging procedures in the event of a terminal condition. Consider such treatments as artificial nutrition, artificial hydration, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and others. It can be difficult to make these medical decisions in advance, but it might help to talk them over with a trusted doctor and your loved ones.
Through your health care directive, you can also decide whether you would wish to leave anatomical gifts or donate bodily organs after your death. There is no requirement to be an organ donor. This decision, as well as your other health care decisions, is highly individualized. Your decisions will come down to your personal preferences and beliefs.
Choose a health care agent
In addition to creating a health care directive, you may want to name someone to make medical choices for you. This person is known as a health care agent. According to chapter 25 of the Delaware statutes, you can name one through a document called a durable power of attorney for health care. This is another type of advance health care directive. In the event that you become unable to give informed consent on medical choices, your agent will be able to choose treatments on your behalf.
When selecting a health care agent, you should consider whether they understand your treatment preferences. You should talk to them to make sure that they know how you feel about end-of-life care and other medical procedures you feel strongly about. It’s also important to consider whether this person can be assertive. They may need to advocate for your health care wishes to your family members and medical staff.
Finally, you should be aware of restrictions under Delaware law on who may legally act as your health care agent. You may not choose someone who owns, operates, or works at a residential health care institution where you receive medical treatment. The only exception to this would be if the person is a relative of yours.
Sign your health care directive
According to chapter 25 of the Delaware statutes, you must sign your advance health care directives or direct someone to sign them for you. There must be two or more adult witnesses present to observe your signature.
However, the following individuals are not permitted to act as witnesses:
- Individuals who are related to you by blood, adoption, or marriage
- Anyone who may have a claim against your estate (creditors)
- Individuals who are financially responsible for your medical treatment
- Anyone who owns, operates, or works at a health care institution where you are a patient
Your witnesses must state in writing that they do not fall into the any above categories. This shows that they are not disqualified from witnessing your advance directives.
Distribute your health care directive
After you have signed your advance health care directives, you need to make sure that they end up in the right hands. Of course, if you named a health care agent, you should give them a copy of your health care directive. This will help them to understand your treatment preferences and gives them a document to reference if necessary.
Next, you should give your close loved ones copies in case they accompany you during an emergency situation.
Finally, you should give your health care providers copies of your advance health care directives. This allows them to update your medical record to reflect your choices.
Update your health care directive
A good rule of thumb is to update your health care directive every few years at least. This will help to ensure that it continues to reflect your health care preferences. However, you may need to modify your document sooner if you go through certain significant life events.
Major life events that might cause you to reconsider your estate plan include:
- a new diagnosis
- a divorce
- an interstate move
Delaware health care directive commonly asked questions
To create a legally valid health care directive in Delaware, you must meet certain basic requirements:
- You must be an adult
- You must be mentally competent to make health care decisions
- The document must be in writing
- You must sign and date the document or direct someone to do so for you
- There must be two credible witnesses present when you sign
Under Delaware law, there are several restrictions on your choices of witnesses. Generally, you may not choose your health care providers, anyone who pays for your health care, relatives, or creditors. These restrictions help to prevent fraud and conflicts of interest. They are covered in more detail in the steps above.
Yes. Under Delaware law, an advance directive from another state is valid in Delaware if it complies with the laws of that state or with Delaware’s laws.
However, if you have permanently moved to Delaware, you should consider updating your estate plan, including your health care directive. This will help to ensure that your documents comply with Delaware’s laws and reflect your current preferences.
You can name a health care agent through a durable power of attorney for health care. This authorizes your health care agent to make medical decisions on your behalf. However, they can only do so if you become incapacitated and unable to make treatment decisions for yourself.
Your health care agent has broad decision-making powers over your medical treatment. They can make any treatment decisions that you would have been able to make when you had the capacity to do so. Their legal duty is to carry out the terms of your health care directive. But if medical issues pop up that are not covered by your advance directives, your health care agent’s duty is to make the decisions that they believe you would have made under the circumstances. If they do not know what you would have wanted, their duty is to act in your best interest after consulting with medical professionals.
However, a health care agent does not have the power to withhold life-sustaining treatments unless you are permanently unconscious, terminally ill, or otherwise diagnosed as having a condition that could likely cause death within a year.
Remember to keep practical considerations in mind. These would include whether your agent lives nearby, and whether they will be able to reach you promptly. It may be a good idea to name an alternate agent in case your first choice becomes unable or unwilling to take on this responsibility.
In Delaware, advance directives become effective in the event that you become medically incapacitated and unable to give informed consent on your treatment options. Your advance directives will no longer be effective if you regain the capacity to make your own medical decisions.
If there are provisions in your advance directives that instruct the withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures, there are stricter requirements. These provisions only go into effect if you are:
- Experiencing a terminal illness,
- Permanently unconscious; or
- Experiencing “serious illness or frailty.” This is defined as a medical condition that could result in death within the next year, according to a health care professional.
The diagnosis of permanent unconsciousness must be made by a neurologist or neurosurgeon.
A divorce does not revoke the medical directions in your health care directive. But if you named your spouse as a health care agent through a durable power of attorney for health care, the divorce would revoke this designation. The only exception to this would be if you had stated otherwise in your advance directives.
If you have gone through a divorce, it’s wise to update your estate planning documents. You may need to name a new health care agent to replace your former spouse. Further, you might want to add or remove beneficiaries from your will.
Under Delaware law, you can revoke all or part of your advance health care directives as long as you are competent to do so.
You may revoke in the following ways:
- Through a signed writing
- By communicating your intention to revoke to at least two competent people. One of those people must be a health care provider.
If your revocation is not in writing, the witnesses to your revocation must create a signed and dated writing to document this. You should choose witnesses who you trust to create the appropriate record.
When you create new advance health care directives, they revoke any conflicting provisions in the former documents.
Whenever you revoke your advance health care directives or create new ones, make sure to inform the right people of this change. You should give your loved ones, health care providers, and health care agent updated copies.
You may want to speak with a lawyer if:
- Your family disagrees with your medical choices
- You don’t know who to appoint as your agent
- You have questions about life prolonging measures
- You want legal review of your completed document