Five Things to Research Before Meeting a Truck Accident Attorney

Being involved in a truck accident can be a very serious situation. Accidents often occur at high speeds and involve extremely large trucks, such as eighteen-wheelers or “big rigs." The injuries and property damage that result from colliding with a commercial truck can be sizable. So if you, your passengers, or your vehicle suffered any kind of damages, you will be well served by having an experienced truck accident attorney represent you.

To best represent you, your lawyer will have to ask you a lot of questions about you, the trucking company, your vehicle, how the accident occurred, and your injuries. It's best to do your homework before your initial attorney consultation. You should consider gathering the following five types of information before your meeting, which will help in evaluating and preparing your truck accident case.

Use this guide to help you make the most of your truck accident attorney consultation. Bring this list and a file of any relevant documents, police reports and other records, or photographic evidence when you meet with your lawyer.

1. Details About the Trucking Company and Driver

  • What is the name of the trucking company involved?
  • What is the truck driver's name?
  • What is the truck's license plate number?
  • Do you have any other license numbers or identifying details about the truck?
  • Do you have the truck driver's Commercial Driver's License number?
  • Are any other companies or business entities associated with this truck or driver?
  • Have you done any research on the driver or trucking company involved?

2. Specific Details About the Truck Accident

  • How did the accident occur?
  • Was a police report filed?
  • What traffic violations, if any, were drivers charged with?
  • Were any photographs or videos taken at the scene?
  • Were TV or other news media at the scene?
  • Do you have names and contact info of witnesses or others involved in the accident?
  • When and where exactly did the truck accident occur?
  • What was the roadway like (wet, dry, smooth, pot-holed, etc.)?
  • Were other cars or people involved?
  • Was an ambulance called to the scene?

3. Medical Records After a Truck Accident

  • What injuries did you receive from the accident?
  • What normal activities are you unable to do because of your injuries?
  • What was your immediate diagnosis after the truck accident?
  • Were you taken to a hospital? If so, how long were you hospitalized?
  • What initial treatments did you receive?
  • Did you have x-rays or other scans taken?
  • Any follow-up or additional treatment?
  • What are your present symptoms and diagnosis?
  • Have you ever had similar injuries in the past?

4. Your Vehicle After a Truck Accident

  • Year, make, and model of your vehicle?
  • Is there a lien-holder or bank interest in the vehicle?
  • How long have you owned the car?
  • What is the working condition of the car?
  • What damages were sustained to your car during the accident?
  • Have you received an estimate for the damages?
  • Did your car have any damages, dings, or dents before the accident?
  • Do you have photographs of your car both before and after the accident?

5. Personal and Financial Details About You

  • Your present employment, if any?
  • Your wages or salary?
  • Have you missed time from work as a result of the accident?
  • Do you have a valid driver's license? Do you have automobile insurance?
  • Who is your insurer?
  • Have you previously been involved in any car accidents?
  • Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

Get Professional Legal Assistance With Your Truck Accident Case

Whether you have questions about how to file a lawsuit against a commercial trucking company, how to handle the insurance companies, or simply what to do next, a truck accident attorney can help to ensure the best possible outcome. Learn more by contacting an experienced truck accident attorney near you or by reviewing FindLaw's trucking accident legal answers page.

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  • A lawyer can help seek fair compensation on your behalf
  • Accident and injury claims are complex and insurance carriers have lawyers on their side

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