Law Client Intake Best Practices Sadly, small law firms across the country still struggle with prospect intake, leaving many potential clients on the table.
4 Ways to Improve Your Law Firm Client Intake Using Prospect Manager Generating new business doesn’t always require more marketing or more time spent away from clients.
Learning Intake Solutions from Across Industries Businesses outside of the legal field know how good client intake leads to more sales and more volume. What can law firms learn from other industries?
How Missed Calls and Bad Intake Could Tank Your Law Firm’s Reputation There's a strong connection between your law firm's intake practices and your online reputation. Get a grip on the former, and watch the latter improve.
Want to be a rainmaker? Patch the holes in your intake pipeline. Intake issues you may not see could be causing your firm to lose clients right as they're ready to sign up. Here are a few ways to fix that.