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Category: Lawyer Marketing Insights

Our legal marketing experts share their best advice, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your legal marketing skills.

December 5, 2014 | 2 min read

Is Your Marketing Strategy A Long Shot?

In the world of online marketing, aiming to position your firm as the “best DUI/divorce/criminal lawyers in (insert name of city here)” is like showing up at a movie audition with a hundred other actors. You may indeed be the most talented, but against such fierce competition, you’re still a long shot at best.

November 21, 2014 | 2 min read

There Is No Black Friday for Law Firms

It’s already underway. People across the country have begun lining up outside of stores waiting for the doorbusting to begin. Whatever your personal opinion on Black Friday, there’s no denying its nationwide influence on retail stores and their promotional strategies. Fortunately for you, law firms aren’t subject to the same market forces. If you’re looking…

November 12, 2014 | 2 min read

The first thing we do, let’s shred all the thesauruses.

A famous scene in the Marx Brothers classic 1935 movie, “A Night at the Opera,” features Groucho reading contract language to Chico: “The party of the first part should be known in this contract as the party of the first part.” Even 80 years ago, poking fun at the verbosity of lawyers was comedy gold.

November 6, 2014 | 2 min read

Who is Answering Your Firm’s Phone?

It takes a lot of phone calls to find a new client. If only a certain percentage of callers turn into clients, that should tell you something about the importance of that ringing phone. So tell us this: Who’s answering your phone? All your marketing efforts are leading up to this moment.

October 31, 2014 | 2 min read

Google Drops Authorship Code but Authorship Still Matters

Over the past year, Google has made several significant changes to its authorship program and how it affects search results. What started with a reduction in author images progressed to the complete removal of authors from bylines and other rich snippet features. This finally culminated in the complete discontinuation of authorship features within Google results.

October 9, 2014 | 4 min read

Two Tips to Get Found Locally

I’ve noted before that consumers are increasingly turning to their mobile devices — smartphones and tablets — to search for attorneys. Indeed, 31 percent of traffic to law firm websites comes through mobile search. That statistic comes from FindLaw’s latest white paper. The paper also demonstrates that those consumers are increasingly using their handheld…

September 19, 2014 | 2 min read

3 Ways to Satisfy Mobile Attorney-Seekers

As we’ve noted before, more and more consumers are using mobile devices—smartphones and tablets—to search for attorneys. In fact, according to our recently released white paper, 31 percent of traffic to law firm websites comes through mobile search. The white paper also notes that what’s driving much of this traffic…

September 18, 2014 | 5 min read

Adding a Human Touch to Your Law Firm

Show, don’t tell. It’s one of the most basic tenets of good writing, and it’s a relevant concept in law firm marketing as well. Look at it this way, most law firm websites tell you how much they relate to their clients. Somewhere after they’ve outlined how much experience they have…

September 12, 2014 | 2 min read

It’s Not What You Say…It’s What Other People Say

We’ve all heard the saying that it’s not what you say, but what you do that matters. These days, it might be even more accurate to say that it’s what others say about you that matters most – and that can have big implications for how you attract clients. Of course, providing excellent legal service…

September 4, 2014 | 2 min read

Mobile Searches: Your Firm’s Golden Opportunity

As we noted earlier, more and more consumers are using mobile devices — smartphones and tablets — to search for attorneys. In other words, they’re often searching away from their home or office computer. Indeed, according to our new white paper “Are You Ignoring One-Third of Your Firm’s Business Potential?,” 31 percent of traffic…

| 2 min read

Webcast Follow-Up: Your Marketing Questions Answered

We always get plenty of great questions during our webcasts, and last week’s, Eight Common Ways Lawyers Lose Potential Clients Online, was no exception. Here are our responses to the questions we couldn’t get to. Do you recommend listing clients on your website? For consumer-based practices (family, criminal, etc.), I always recommend adding testimonials…

August 28, 2014 | 2 min read

How Humdrum Legal Issues Can Mean New Business

Pop quiz: What are the three most common legal issues faced by consumers? Ask the average television viewer this question and they might guess assault, murder and high stakes insurance fraud. As you know, reality is far more prosaic. In fact, our 2014 U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey revealed that…

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