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Facebook's Advertising Rules Have Changed.

Promoting your law firm just got tougher. Our white paper shows you why, and how to work around the new challenges.

Rural Playbook
It used to be so easy. Facebook offered a direct path to all your fans and followers at a relatively low cost and high degree of accuracy. Well, times have changed. Today's political climate and recent scandals have Facebook on edge – and some law firms are paying the price.
  • Does your firm represent immigrant families?
  • Are your legal services closely aligned to financial legislation?
  • Or perhaps the rights you've defended every day for decades are suddenly popping up in the news cycle of 2018.
For better or worse, Silicon Valley is having a tough time differentiating between you honestly trying to reach potential clients, and someone else trying to sway political opinion (or worse).

All hope is not lost.

FindLaw places tens of thousands of ads for law firms on Facebook every year. We've identified the challenge, we've learned the triggers to avoid and we know how to succeed in the appeals process. This is not the end of Facebook advertising for law firms. It's just the new reality. Is your firm ready?
Top 7 Marketing Tactics for Small-town Attorneys

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