Landing the right job involves making the right impression at the righttime. What tools do you need make that happen? FindLaw’s section Job Search Tools: Resumes, Cover Letters, and More provides practical information on how to write a legal resume, how to spin your current job title, guidance on preparing a compelling cover letter, networking to find a job, and how to handle salary questions during interviews. Read further to discover how to improve what you’ve already been doing, and incorporate strategies that you might not yet even considered.
Job Search Tools: Resumes, Cover Letters, and More
Job Search Tools: Resumes, Cover Letters, and More Articles
Get on Track: Your Cover Letter
The cover letter is your opportunity to connect with a particular employer and give them a good idea of who you are. Unlike your resume, the cover letter is your chance to tell the employer what you can do for them, and what you want from them.
The Resume
A resume is an opportunity to create a positive impression with an employer. It may be viewed as a photograph that presents a certain image, yet leaves a more compelling story to be toldperhaps during an interview.
Elizabeth K. Peck on Job Fishing, Networking, and Writing a Winning Cover Letter
Elizabeth K. Peck can't stress it enough: cover letters matter.