You’ve accomplished your goal of becoming a lawyer. Congratulations. Have you stopped to think about how happy you are in your current job? Are you on the career path you thought you would be, or more importantly, the one you want? Have you even thought about it? Finding time to take stock of your career can be difficult, but is most certainly a worthwhile endeavor. FindLaw’s Job Satisfaction section contains advice on things to consider in becoming partner, strategies for self-assessment, evaluating your present law career position, what makes happy lawyers, and dealing with the demands of billable hours. Read on to learn what considerations may affect understanding your true level of job satisfaction.
Job Satisfaction
Legal Career Assessment
Job Satisfaction Articles
Find Satisfaction in Law: Strategies For Self-Assessment
In this article, we look at self-assessment strategies for navigating a legal career that follows the coordinates of professional and personal values while drawing upon the skills and resources of you, the individual lawyer.
Find Satisfaction in the Law: Happy Lawyers
What does it mean to a "happy lawyer?"
Find Satisfaction in Law: Belva Lockwood
"The young women of today, free to study, to speak, to write, to choose their occupation, should remember that every inch of this freedom was bought for them at a great price. It is for them to show their gratitude by helping onward the reforms of their own times by spreading the light of freedom and truth still wider."
Find Satisfaction in Law - There Isn't Just One Answer
I would like to share a poem I wrote when I was in law school. This poem occurred at one of the traditional 1L low points - I was in the midst of first semester finals. I hated Civil Procedure and to this day I twitch when I think about studying for that exam.
Taking Stock: Evaluating Your Present Law Career Position
Identifying the deficiencies in one's work will depend upon the complex expectations concerning professional rewards, personal goals and work conditions.
Job Satisfaction and Law: Questions and Answers
Finding satisfaction in the law can be challenging, for a variety of reasons. Here is a discussion of two issues that often arise for lawyers: vacation time and changing jobs multiple times.
Enforcing the Legal Profession's Values in Law Firms
What are your non-negotiable values and goals? What are the fundamental values of the legal profession?