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The good news is that rainmaking will always require good, old-fashioned human relationships. The better news is that technology offers new tools that make marketing easier, faster, more effective, less expensive, and more.
The Internet is changing the way individuals and businesses research products and services, and expanding the options for lawyers looking to develop and retain clients.
Recently, I was speaking with a client who seemed stuck in his marketing efforts. He had a clearly articulated plan for growing his business that he was enthusiastic about. And yet, week after week, he hadn't taken much action to implement the plan.
Although no one would admit it, more than a few competent attorneys have been known to wince when the idea of doing a sales call has been suggested as part of their marketing planning.
When it comes to doctors, most people want to go to a specialist, not a generalist. Nobody trusts brain surgery to a general surgeon. Increasingly, clients feel the same way about their lawyers.
In the quest for better answers about how to turn numbers into usable management tactics to foster profitable growth, I interviewed a number of experts. Here, in nutshell format, is their best advice.
See how Rosabeth Moss Kanter's book, Confidence, influences this author's view on business development.
One of the greatest myths in law firm marketing is that your partners will be eager to cross-sell you just because they're your "partners." The fact is that they aren't.
When I ask clients what their biggest challenge in business development is, they commonly say, "Asking for business." And yet, when they are trying to land a new client, they forget about the "asking" part and focus on the "pitching" part.
Imagine you're sitting across the table from a potential client you'd like to work with. The right place to start is by uncovering the client's needs. The question is, how do you go about uncovering those needs?