The Practice Support section of FindLaw's Law Firm Management Center provides free resources related to financial issues encountered by solo and small law firm practices. Selecting business vendors and service providers such as Experts and Expert Witnesses, Document Preparation services, Investigators, and Litigation Support professionals is important to the success of your cases and your law firm. Working with the right litigation and practice support professionals can make all the difference. As a small business owner, you need the right information to make decisions that impact your law practice. Browse, read, and share FindLaw's collection of articles, tips and lists that focus on Practice Support.
Practice Support
Practice Support
Learn More About Practice Support
Services for Lawyers: Hiring a Translator or Interpreter
There will come a time in everyone's law practice when documents or witness testimony that needs to be presented, or understood, will not be available in English. You may need to engage the services of a company that can provide all manner of translation and interpretation services.
Stages of the Expert Witness and Attorney Relationship
The words expert and witness are often joined together, as if the purpose of the expert is to be a witness at a trial. But most cases are settled without trial, so why do they call us witnesses? Here is a chronology of the stages of expert-attorney relationship which explains some of what is really happening (or not).
Considerations in Hiring an Asset Investigator
A species of private investigator exists to help lawyers identify what an individual or business owns: the asset investigator.
Surviving Daubert: Bad Benchmarking by Expert Witnesses Puts Cases at Risk
Expert witnesses often make critical mistakes that put litigation at risk.
Recovery of Expert Witness Fees from Your Opponent in Litigation
In the U.S. legal system, winning a case doesn't guarantee that your expert witness fees will be paid by your opponent. However, prevailing parties often have ways to recover their expert witness fees.
Considerations When Outsourcing Legal Document Preparation
Learn more about considerations to keep in mind when hiring a document preparation company to serve as a type of contract paralegal.
Practice Support Articles
Rules of Evidence: Hearsay
The hearsay rules are often a trial lawyer's bread and butter, providing numerous methods of either keeping evidence out or getting it admitted. But despite our best efforts to memorize these rules in our law school Evidence courses, it can be challenging to keep them straight.
Navigating the Hearsay Rule (Infographic)
Services for Lawyers: Hiring a Translator or Interpreter
There will come a time in everyone's law practice when documents or witness testimony that needs to be presented, or understood, will not be available in English. You may need to engage the services of a company that can provide all manner of translation and interpretation services.
So Noted: The Benefits of Using a Note App in Your Law Practice
Every day, your practice faces a barrage of information, some expected, but most probably unexpected. A good note app can be an essential tool to help you manage this information and stay sane in the process. Read on to learn more about helpful applications and how they could improve your firm's operations.
Using Expert Witnesses: Product Defect Cases
There's a lot at stake in any product defect case, as consumers want to ensure remedies for their harm and the safety of products sold in the marketplace, while companies seek to protect their investments. At the end of the day, it's product defect experts who can make or break a case. Read on for more about using expert witnesses in product defect cases and how you can set your client up for success.