Get Legal Help with an Employment Issue
By FindLaw Staff | Legally reviewed by Chris Meyers, Esq. | Last reviewed November 29, 2021
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Legal issues and disputes can arise at any stage of the employment process. Employment concerns can come up during interviewing or hiring, at any time of an employee's tenure, and when the employer-employee relationship is terminated.
Any job applicant, current employee, or ex-employee has legal rights, including rights against discrimination, minimum wage and hour rights, and wrongful termination protections. If your legal rights have been violated in the context of employment should discuss the situation with an employment lawyer to find out your options.
How an Employment Law Attorney Can Help
If you are a job applicant, current employee, or ex-employee whose rights may have been violated in an employment situation, or if you are involved in a legal dispute with your current or former employer, an employment law attorney can help.
Not all unemployment compensation hearings require a lawyer but you should always have the right to consult with an attorney before your hearing. Contacting a lawyer will help with reviewing documents, legal research, negotiation strategies, talking to witnesses, gathering evidence, expert review, and helping you recover compensation for your losses.
Your attorney will be on your side to represent your best interests and address your concerns at every step of your case, to ensure that your rights as an employee are fully assessed and protected. Employment law rights include rights to fair pay, family and medical leave, privacy in the workplace, safety on the job, and the right to be free from harassment. An experienced attorney can strengthen your position and obtain the best results for you.
Finding an Employment Law Attorney
To find an employment lawyer or law firm to help with your employee rights issue, use the FindLaw Lawyer Directory. You can find legal advice for your specific situation with an experienced employment law attorney near you.
Next Steps
Contact a qualified employment attorney to make sure your rights are protected.