Create your Alaska will with confidence
Protect your loved ones with an Alaska will using FindLaw’s attorney-created forms and easy step-by-step process.
Choose your Alaska will options
Provide clear guidance and control what happens to your property, children, and pets with a will. Ensure comprehensive protection for you and your loved ones and secure your future with an estate planning forms package.
Last Will and Testament
Customize a will to suit your needs
Estate Planning Package
All the forms you need to create a personal estate plan
Alaska will forms you can rely on
Families can be devastated by the loss of a loved one. If you die without a will (known as dying “intestate”), your family could have to endure a lengthy court process during their time of grief. The court will make decisions about the distribution of your property and the care of your children without your guidance. Ease a challenging period for your family by clearly communicating your desires about how you want your property distributed, when beneficiaries can inherit, and specifying individuals you prefer not to include. This ensures your assets align precisely with your true intentions, providing clarity and peace of mind for all involved.
FindLaw provides everything you need to make your will:
How it works
It only takes minutes to control your future. Need help? Contact one of our directory attorneys.
Create an account
Create a secure account which is accessible through an easy dashboard you can access any time.
Gather information
You will need a list of your assets, contact information for important people, and any wishes you want to be honored when you’re gone.
Complete your documents
Answer all questions, then we’ll generate your digital documents for downloading, printing, and signing.
Make it legal
Carefully follow the instructions provided in the form, which may include signing your documents in front of witnesses or a notary.

Plan for your future with confidence
This free guide will help you:
Learn the most common estate planning terms
Understand the essential estate planning tools
Gather critical information with an estate planning checklist
What’s next to make my Alaska will?
Follow these steps to make a valid Alaska will.
Make a list of your assets
Some people think that they don’t have enough assets to make estate planning worthwhile. But the assets you do have could be quite valuable to members of your family and those you support. In order to make sure that all of your property is considered in the making of your will, sit down and create a list of all your assets as you begin the process. Don’t forget to list:
- Real estate
- Vehicles
- Checking and savings accounts
- Stocks and investments
You might want to make a list of specific items that hold value to you, as well. For example, if you have pieces of art or jewelry that you’d like for a specific person to receive when you die, you could identify the items and the person you want to have them.
In Alaska, you can create a document called a tangible personal property memorandum. In this document, you’d list items of sentimental value like keepsakes or photographs, and then refer to the document in your will. You can only use a tangible personal property memorandum for personal property. It can’t be used to convey your wishes for your real property.
Pick your beneficiaries
One important part of creating your will is picking your beneficiaries. A beneficiary is a person who receives something from your estate. As the person who’s making the will, you are the testator.
There are requirements for testators under Alaskan law. According to Alaska Statutes Section 13.12.501, you must be at least 18 years of age and of sound mind in order to make a will. If you meet these requirements as a testator, you can begin by picking out your beneficiaries.
People often decide to choose family members and friends as their beneficiaries. You might also want to consider listing charities as beneficiaries of your estate. Just make sure that you identify people and charities as specifically as possible, using their legal names.
If you don’t name any beneficiaries, your spouse and children would receive shares of your assets under Alaska’s laws of intestacy. When you create your own will, you can dictate how you want your property to be distributed (with certain exceptions).
Pick guardians for your children
You can do more with your will than just dispose of your property. You can also choose a guardian for your minor children or incapacitated adult children. A guardian is a person who would provide for your children’s needs and make decisions for them if you (and your spouse) died. You should choose someone you trust as a guardian. It’s also a good idea to choose an alternate guardian, just in case the first person you chose is unable or unwilling to care for your children.
Pick a personal representative
A personal representative, also known as an executor, is the person who’s responsible for paying debts and administering the estate when you pass away. This person may have to appear in court, so keep that in mind when you’re choosing the person to serve as your executor.
If you die without a will, a probate court can appoint a personal representative for your estate. But the person the court chooses may not be the person that you would’ve wanted to handle your affairs.
Sign and store your document
Alaska Statutes Section 13.12.502 lists the requirements regarding the execution and witnessing of your will. Importantly, an Alaska will must be:
- In writing
- Signed by the testator
- Signed by two witnesses
It’s also acceptable if the testator directs someone else to sign their name in the testator’s presence. The individuals who serve as witnesses must witness the signing or the acknowledgment of the signing.
Unlike some other states, Alaska recognizes holographic wills. A holographic will is a will that is handwritten by the testator and signed by the testator. Witnesses are not necessary for holographic wills.
It could be beneficial to your family if you go before a notary and get the will properly notarized. A notarized will is self-proving, which means that your family won’t have to endure the hassle and cost of bringing witnesses to court to testify to the validity of the will.
Review and revise your document as needed
Many people find that they need to revise their wills as major life events occur. Examples of these types of events include:
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Birth of a child
Frequently asked questions about wills
You could find free will forms online, but they might not meet Alaska’s requirements. A will that doesn’t meet the requirements of your state could be found invalid. To get a customized will that meets the requirements of Alaska law, get started with one of our state-specific forms.
You don’t need to hire a lawyer in Alaska to create a will. You can take a do-it-yourself approach to estate planning and prepare all of the documents that you need on your own. Whether you just need a will right now or would also like to get a power of attorney or living will, there are forms on FindLaw that you can use to get it all done at an affordable price.
FindLaw is not a law firm, and the forms are not a substitute for the advice or services of an attorney. If you prefer to have an attorney involved, you could get started on the process now and contact an attorney who could review your forms later. If you have special circumstances or a very high net worth, you might want to contact an estate planning lawyer as soon as possible.
Under Alaska Statutes Section 13.12.505, anyone who’s “generally competent” may serve as a witness. Unlike most states, Alaska even allows someone who’s a beneficiary under the will to serve as a witness. Although the law states that having a beneficiary sign your will as a witness doesn’t invalidate the will, it could still be a good idea to seek out witnesses who don’t have an interest in your estate.
Also, keep in mind that your witnesses may be called to court if your will isn’t self-proving. Your witnesses should be people who can be contacted, if necessary, to provide credible testimony.
Yes, you can create a trust in your Alaska last will and testament. When you create a trust, you designate a person who will serve as the trustee. The trustee has the responsibility of following your instructions for the distribution of funds from the trust.
A trust can be an appealing option under certain circumstances. For example, if you’d like for your adult child to receive a sum of money from your will but you don’t want him or her to receive the money all at once, you could provide a trustee with instructions to distribute the money to your child in periodic payments.
A trust can also be useful if you’d like to provide for the care of a pet. In Alaska, pet trusts are valid as long as the duration is 21 years or less. You could appoint someone to care for your pet and a trustee to distribute funds to that person.
Yes, you can revoke your will. Under Alaskan law, a will may be revoked by the execution of another will that revokes the previous will. Another way to revoke a last will and testament in Alaska is to destroy it with the intent and purpose of revoking it.

You may want to speak with a lawyer if you:
- Have a past divorce, blended family, or other complex family situation
- Have a high-value estate
- Own a business
- Want to create a special needs trust
- Want legal review of your completed will