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How to Greet Clients (Without Shaking Hands)

Infographic describing ways to greet clients, long description below

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How to Greet Clients (Without Shaking Hands)

1. Wave

A friendly wave can welcome someone into your office without fear of spreading germs.

2. Share Some Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer has become the new gum. In that you share it, not that you should put it in your mouth.

3. Salute

Will it look awkward? Absolutely. But will everyone get a laugh? Yes, indeed.

4. Tip Your Hat

This, of course, means you must be wearing a hat at all times. But who doesn't like feeling like an old-school private investigator?

5. Live Long and Prosper

Those of the more nerdy inclination might favor Spock's iconic hand gesture, which is friendly but requires no touching.

6. Air High-Five

The best thing about an air-five is that you can do it from six feet away. Nailed it.

Infographic describing ways to greet clients, long description below
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