Louis CK Accused of Sexual Misconduct: Allegations Explained

For fans of Louis CK, the recent news about the allegations against the comedian may not entirely be a surprise. After all, his comedy has always walked that fine line between inappropriate but still funny, and just totally wrong, which most "R" rated comics are known for walking.
In short, CK, allegedly, has a storied history of indecent exposure and sexual misconduct. It is claimed that he has exposed himself to several female comedians that he worked with in the past. Also, it is alleged that he would also go so far as to masturbate in front of others without consent. Given the current climate in Hollywood is finally recognizing that sexual misconduct has been a longstanding problem in the industry, these allegations have resulted in some serious fallout for the comedian.
Allegations Explained
Under the law, Louis CK could potentially face criminal charges for his alleged actions. It's not like he was just mooning people. Typically, exposing one's genitals in public, or directly at a person, will be charged criminally as indecent exposure. However, if a person sexually gratifies themselves in front of another person, then the charges can be raised to sexual assault or sexual misconduct.
If convicted of indecent exposure, or sexual misconduct, Louis CK could be looking at actual jail time. While a first offense for indecent exposure might only be a misdemeanor, when there are aggravating circumstances, such as a position of authority over the victim, or the use of force, coercion, or threats, a sentence can be enhanced. Often the aggravated circumstances can make the offense a felony, even for a first conviction. If convicted of a felony, he could face a few years in jail, as well as potentially being required to register as a sex offender.
Fame and Fallout
In addition to the potential for criminal charges, CK may have a public relations nightmare on his hands. A movie of his, that he wrote and personally financed, was cancelled as a result of these allegations. Additionally, an appearance on late night broadcast TV was cancelled as well.
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