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'Teen Mom' Episode Leads to Police Investigation

By Laura Strachan, Esq. | Last updated on

Although reality television supposedly gives a realistic and uncensored eye into the lives and times of the cast, it is not a bad idea to be aware that broadcasting one's activities can come with side effects. Take Teen Mom star Amber Portwood. Portwood got into an on-air fight with ex-fiancé Gary Shirley in a recent episode of the MTV reality show. The Teen Mom fight episode has now lead to a police invetigation.

Aptly titled "Lashing Out", the episode shows Portwood hitting and kicking the much bigger Shirley. The National Ledge quotes a spokesperson from the Anderson Police Department: "We were made aware of the domestic violence abuse following the episode that aired on MTV. Based on that there was a case drafted and a detective assigned. The Department of Child Protective Services in Indiana notified us that they had been aware of the incident as well."

Following the episode, concerned fans of the show emailed and called police to report the domestic violence. Although domestic violence can come in many forms, any type of physical behavior makes for a pretty clear case. The most common remedy for a domestic violence incident is some type of restraining order against the offender. Shirly did not immediately seek any type of protection from his former fiancé, however the pending investigation may have some serious consequences for the Teen Mom.

For Amber Portwood, there is no denying the attack on Shirley. Her behavior is particularly reprehensible because the couple's young daughter, Leah, was in the room. The current police investigation into the Teen Mom fight episode primarily concerns the safety and welfare of the couple's daughter. Since a propensity for violence and motherhood do not go together, incidents involving domestic violence and children are of particular concern. Following the episode, Portwood and Shirley gave an interview with MTV, attempting to explain the encounter, however it looks like she will now have more than just her MTV viewers to answer to.

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