COMIC: What Happens if You're Caught With a Fake ID?

Panel 1: A thought bubble floats above a green character, who is smiling awkwardly at the purple round character, who is looking skeptically at an ID that doesn’t look like the green character. The thought bubble says, “What if I get caught using a fake ID?”
Panel 2: Four small blobs are standing in a line, all holding IDs that we know are fake because there are arrows pointing at them with text that says “FAKE!” On the far left, the green one says, in a word bubble, “See? I’m totally 21!” In the middle of the group, a turquoise blob says, in a word bubble, “I just look young for my age of 22...” Above the image, the text says: “In all states, it's illegal to use a fake ID — or someone else’s ID — as your own. Let’s take a look.”
Panel 3: A number of state IDs with blob character photos are strewn about the page, in various colors. Above the illustration, the text says: “Generally, it's illegal to make, sell, alter, purchase, use, or possess fake IDs. But the punishment and seriousness of these types of crimes vary by state.”
Panel 4: An orange blob looks pleased while holding an ID. An arrow points to the ID and says “FAKE.” The blob says, in a word bubble, “I’m 18.” Below, on the left, another orange blob is shown buying a six-pack of beer bottles using an ID that is labeled as “FAKE.” The text on the page says: “This means that if you’re under 21, it’s against the law to:
- Present a false photo ID or someone else’s ID as evidence of your age and identity
- Buy (or attempt to) buy alcohol or tobacco products using a fake ID
Panel 5: A single turquoise blob character looks unnervingly at the fake ID in their hand while holding a drink. The text above says: “And, even if you aren't actually using the fake ID, you can be charged with possession of a fake ID just for having it.”
Panel 6: A turquoise blob stands skeptically at the door of a bar labeled “Cool Bar, 18+ only” while saying, in a thought bubble, “IDs please.” The first of three small blobs waiting in line for “Cool Bar” presents an ID labeled as “VERY FAKE” to the bouncer. Underneath that blob is a label indicating it is only 17. Above the image, the text says: “What if I use the fake ID to get into a bar? Nope. Even if you’re not using it to buy alcohol, it’s still illegal to present a false ID to suggest you’re older than you really are.”
Panel 7: A laughing turquoise blob (labeled as “age 18”) holds an ID that is clearly not its own (the image looks different) while saying, in a thought bubble, “It’s my cousin’s! We’re basically twins!” The text above says, “What if I just borrowed my friend or relative's ID to use? Doesn't matter. Even if it's a valid state-issued ID, it's still a crime to use it if it's not YOUR id.”
Panel 8: A character is shown sitting in a classroom learning about the topic "effects of alcohol." Another purple character is shown picking up litter. Below the other two images is a document with a dollar bill symbol on it that says “FAKE ID, PAY THIS.” Above, the text says: “What if I’m caught? Check your state’s laws, but a minor who is caught possessing, using, or attempting to use a fake ID would usually be charged with a misdemeanor. Punishment for a conviction can include fines, community service, and participation in an alcohol or drug treatment program.”
Panel 9: A sad-looking orange blob sits on one of three chairs outside of the principal’s office at school. Above, the text says: “Could I get in trouble at school? It depends on your school, but a misdemeanor charge could have consequences at school, including participation in extracurriculars, sports, and scholarships.”
Panel 10: A green blob is lounging on a bed looking at a laptop. In front of it is a countdown clock that says, “Countdown to 21st bday.” The text above says: “So while it may seem like it’s taking forever to reach 21, try exercising a little patience. You’ll get there! In the meantime, learn more about the law at"
Related Resources
- Find a Criminal Defense Attorney Near You (FindLaw's Lawyer Directory)
- What Happens if You're Caught With a Fake ID? (FindLaw's Law and Daily Life)
- What Happens to Teens Caught Shoplifting? (A FindLaw for Teens Comic)