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Top 5 'Bad Santa' Arrests: A Ho-Ho-Holiday Lineup

By Aditi Mukherji, JD | Last updated on

Billy Bob Thornton isn't the only "Bad Santa" out there. A fair number of real-life Kris Kringles have been arrested for doing a number of legally naughty things.

Without further ado, here's our list of the Top 5 Bad Santa arrests in recent years:

  1. Literally "Touchy Feely" Santa. When a mall Santa by the name of Herbert Jones tells you to sit on his lap, don't do it. Santa Jones apparently didn't need any mistletoe to cross the creep barrier and allegedly grope one of his elves. This Santa would probably love to gift a Tickle Me Elmo to everyone...
  2. Bad SantaCon Santa. This year, NYC changed things up and required all SantaCon Santas to remove their beards before entering a bar. Unfortunately, videotaped footage of a pack of street-fighting SantaCon Santas shows that a beardless SantaCon Santa is no less belligerent.
  3. DUI Santa. Some Santas take to the bottle to achieve their authentic-looking reddish hue. Hey, it's winter and Santa needs to keep warm too... But don't be surprised when you see a Santa or two land on law enforcement's naughty list for drinking and driving. Go ahead Santa, down that eggnog, but remember the rules: No boozin' and cruisin' on the sleigh.
  4. Thieving Santa. For most people, the holiday season is a time of giving to others; for Bad Santas, it's a time for taking from others. From the Santa Claus Burglar to the Santa Claus Bank Robber, it kinda makes you wonder where exactly your Christmas gifts come from -- and whether you're guilty of receiving stolen property.
  5. Political Santa. A protest on behalf of Walmart workers in Ontario, California, led to the arrest of up to 10 people -- among them Karl Hilgert, who dressed up as Santa Claus for the action, according to The San Bernardino Sun. See? Even Santa believes in fair labor laws and civil disobedience!

Is there a sinfully amusing "Bad Santa" story you'd like share? Tweet it to us at @FindLawConsumer or share it on our FindLaw for Consumers Facebook page! And from all of us at FindLaw, happy holidays!

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