Lessons From 4 Lawyers Who Made Fools of Themselves in 2014

Happy 2015. We have many thing to be thankful as the new year begins, not the least of which is this: We didn't make this list.
Last year, we talked about the biggest legal fools of 2013 on social media, and fortunately for our industry's sake, we're going to have to expand that a bit to all of the fools: criminals, pornographers, stabbers, and photoshoppers.
Here are four lawyers who really wish 2014 didn't happen:
4. Lawyer Suspended for Celeb Photoshop Pics in Best Disciplinary Ruling Ever.
Why was this disciplinary ruling so damn entertaining? It wasn't the court's writing -- that was merely "meh." Even the conduct at issue -- putting photoshopped pictures of an attorney with celebrities on her website -- wasn't the best part.
No, it was the sheer ludicrosity of Svitlana Sangary's defense to the ethics investigation and case. Her philosophies were so deep that we wrote a follow-up post about life lessons learned from Svitlana. Remember the proverb about life, lemons, and lemonade?
"And, such lemonade tastes great. it may have blood, sweat, and tears in it, but it is so enjoyable. The more challenges, the more lemons -- the more lemonade!"
Preach, sister!
3. Lawyer's 'Torture Porn' Past Pops Up in Pa. Governor's Race.
This was less about the lawyer and more about the fact that he appeared in an otherwise unremarkable commercial for a gubernatorial candidate. But we're just saying: If you're practicing law, a side career starring in erotic horror films is probably a bad idea.
2. Husband-Wife Attorneys Arrested After Double Stabbing in Va.
Ever get frustrated with an employer? We all have. The correct response to being let go from a law firm isn't heading to the senior partner's house and tormenting him and his wife at knifepoint for hours -- the path allegedly chosen by Alecia and Andrew Schmuhl, a husband-and-wife pair of attorneys, after she was let go from Bean, Kinney, and Korman P.C.
1. Awkward: Judge Beats The Crap Out of Public Defender in Court.
Talk about a bench-slapping. When a judge became frustrated with a public defender's attitude, he challenged him to fisticuffs in the hallway. The best part? It's all on tape. The other best part? Judge John "Dred" Murphy returned to the bench after winning the fight.
Who is your favorite fool of 2014? Tweet us @FindLawLP.
Related Resources:
- L.A. Deputy City Atty. Faces Child Porn Charges, Still Licensed (FindLaw's Strategist)
- Defense Lawyer Dresses as Thomas Jefferson for Discipline Hearing (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- 3 Lessons From an Elder Law Attorney's Disbarment Over Client Funds (FindLaw's Strategist)