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Seasonal Business Cards for Marketing on a Budget

By William Vogeler, Esq. | Last updated on

When it comes to seasons greetings, ecards are the cheapest -- and that's the problem.

Not that you have to spend money on cards, but colleagues and clients expect a little more than a digital signature. Especially when you bill $300 an hour.

So here's an idea from the budget bin: seasonal business cards! When you can custom order a bunch for 20 bucks or less, why didn't you think of that?

Business Cards

Carolyn Elefant, the popular lawyer/blogger, says they make sense on "so many levels." If she didn't invent the seasonal business card for lawyers, at least she created one on her website at

"I'm surprised that I've never encountered one," she writes.

Basically, a seasonal business card looks like a holiday card on one side with contact information on the other side. With some color and creativity, it might even qualify as an ornament.

For an extra 10 bucks at VistaPrint, for example, your card can come with a metallic finish as bright as garland.

Now What?

Seasonal business cards should not replace traditional cards. Save the traditional cards for those select clients, lawyers, and others on your mailing list.

Meanwhile, pass around your seasonal card at office parties and bar association events right through the New Year. While everybody else passes out the same old card, your custom card will stand out.

It's about seasonal marketing, peace on earth, and goodwill towards humans. That includes most lawyers.

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