In Maine, marriage licenses are issued at the town or city level. The application process for a marriage license in Maine is called the "recording of intentions." A couple who wants to get married in Maine must apply for a marriage license in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which at least one of them resides.
If neither party resides in Maine, then the couple can record their intentions in any municipal office. Once the intentions are filed and a marriage licensed is issued, the couple is free to marry anywhere within the state of Maine.
Code Section
Maine Revised Statutes section 651: Recording of Intentions – Application for a Marriage License |
What's Required?
Before a couple can obtain a marriage license in Maine they must submit an application for recording notice of their intentions of marriage. The application must:
- Include a signed certification that the information recorded on the application is correct and that the applicant is free to marry in Maine
- Be acknowledged before an official authorized to take oaths, and
- Include the names of the parties who wish to marry, and the intended date of the marriage
Prior Marriages
If either party was previously married, the couple's application must also include a certificate or certified copy of the divorce decree or annulment of the last marriage, or the death record of the last spouse. |
Related Parties
If the parties are related, then the clerk won't issue a marriage license unless the couple submits a certificate of genetic counseling that is signed by a physician. |
Prohibited Marriages
Related parties: In Maine, a person may not marry their parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sibling, nephew, niece, aunt or uncle. However, certain related parties may be permitted to marry in Maine if they are able to obtain a certificate of genetic counseling that is signed by a physician.
Incapacitated parties: A person who has been found to be incapacitated and who has a guardian or limited guardian appointed by a court can't get married without the approval of the appointed guardian.
Polygamy: If either party has a living spouse from whom the party isn't divorced, then that party isn't able to remarry in the state of Maine.
Can Minors Get Married in Maine?
A marriage license can't be issued for a person who is less than 18 years old without the consent of the minor's parents, guardians, or persons whom a court has given custody. If there isn't anyone qualified to give consent, a probate judge in the county which each minor resides may grant consent.
However, if one or both of the applicants are less than 16 years old, then the court may not issue a marriage license without:
- The written consent of the minor's parents, guardians, or persons to whom the court has given custody
- Notifying the judge of probate in the county where the minor resides, and
- Receipt of that judge's written consent to issue the license (the judge's decision will be based on the best interests of the parties under 16 and shall consider the age of both parties and any criminal record of a party who is 18 years old or older)
Valid for 90 Days
Marriage licenses in Maine are valid as soon as the license is issued, however, they expire after 90 days. If a marriage license expires and the couple still wants to get married they will need to reapply and obtain a new marriage license before they can get married in Maine.
Blood Test
A blood test isn't required to obtain a marriage license in Maine.
Additional Resources
State laws change frequently. For case specific information about Maine's marriage license requirements contact a local family law attorney.