No wedding day can be perfect without jumping through a few hoops first. In order for their union to be legally binding, couples must meet the technical marriage requirements and get their actual marriage license. Applications for a marriage licenses must be filed with the Circuit Court Clerk in the county in which the marriage will take place. Only one person needs to appear, but he or she must provide full names, a place of residence, ages, states of birth, and social security numbers for both soon-to-be spouses.
If either party was previously married, you must provide the date and location of the divorce (or death of previous spouse). Application fees can vary by county as some counties may require you to pay the fees in cash, and each certified copy of the marriage certificate may have an extra surcharge. It's always best to contact your local county clerk for additional information and requirements.
Marriage License Requirements in Maryland
The requirements for marriage licenses in Maryland are highlighted in the chart below.
Code Section
Family Law Articles §2–401 et seq.
Where to Obtain a License
County Clerk's Offices
Age Requirements
18 years old, without parental consent;
16 years old, with parental consent;
15 years old, in case of pregnancy or birth of a child and with parental consent.
Residency Requirement
Identification Requirements
Picture ID;
Proof of name, age, and residency of both parties;
Social Security numbers of both parties;
Proof of marital status of both parties (if either party previously married, must have date of death or divorce of former spouse, may need divorce decree or death certificate).
Same Sex Marriage
Blood Test Requirement
Fees vary by county and depends whether you are a Maryland resident.
How Long is the License Valid?
6 months
Who Can Preside Over the Ceremony?
Any official of a religious order or body authorized by the rules and customs of that order or body to perform a marriage ceremony;
Any clerk;
Any deputy clerk designated by the county administrative judge of the circuit court for the county; or
A judge.
Prior Marriage?
If you've been married before, you'll need to present to the court your divorce decree. If the previous spouse is deceased you may need to provide a death certificate
Waiting Period
2 days from the application day
Where to Request Marriage Certificate or Divorce Decree
Maryland residents: Circuit Court Clerk in the county in which the marriage will take place;
Non-residents: Online PDF of Marriage License Application
Maryland Marriage License Requirements: Related Resources
Marriage laws can be confusing, and the last thing you want to hear is that you can’t get married because you forgot to dot an “i” or cross a “t.” If you would like legal assistance with a marriage matter, you can contact a Maryland family law attorney. You can also visit FindLaw’s Marriage Laws Overview, prenuptial agreements, Tips for Marriage, and Marriage FAQs for more articles and resources on this topic.