Virginia Asbestos Regulations

Like other states that lie along the Appalachian Mountains, Virginia has vast natural deposits of the once-heralded mineral asbestos. It's also found in old schools, homes, office building, and other structures, exposed only when buildings are demolished or renovated. Despite the fire- and heat-resistant properties of asbestos, its use came to a screeching halt across the country in the 1980s after its serious health risks were firmly established. If breathed into one's lungs, asbestos has the potential to cause serious illnesses such as lung cancer and mesothelioma.

So while it's no longer used in new buildings or products, people still may become exposed, especially when working on older buildings. That is why Virginia has regulations in place to ensure the safe handling of this potentially deadly substance.

Virginia Asbestos Regulations at a Glance

Asbestos Regulatory Agencies



Asbestos Contractor Notification and Project Permits

Written notification of any asbestos project of 10 linear feet or more or 10 square feet or more shall be made to the department on a department form (facsimile, certified mail, or hand delivered to the department). Notification shall be postmarked or made 20 days before the beginning of any asbestos project (16VAC25-20).

Notification shall include the following:

  1. Name, address, telephone number, and Virginia asbestos contractor's license number of persons
    intending to engage in an asbestos project;
  2. Name, address, and telephone number of facility owner or operator;
  3. Type of notification; amended, emergency, renovation, or demolition;
  4. Description of building, structure, facility, installation, vehicle, or vessel to be demolished or
    renovated including present use, prior use or uses, age, and address;
  5. Estimate of amount of friable asbestos and method of estimation;
  6. Amount of the asbestos project fee submitted;
  7. Scheduled set-up date, removal date, and completion date of asbestos abatement work and times of
  8. Name and Virginia asbestos supervisor's license number of the project supervisor on site;
  9. Name, address,
    telephone number, contact person, and landfill permit number of the waste disposal
    site where the asbestos containing material will be disposed;
  10. Detailed description of the demolition or removal methods to be used;
  11. Procedures and equipment to control emissions and protect public health during removal, transit, loading, and unloading. Including the monitoring plan;
  12. Credit card number, expiration date, and signature of cardholder if a facsimile transmission is to be made; and
  13. Any other information requested on the department form.

Note: State regulations are always subject to change through the passage of new legislation, rulings in the higher courts (including federal decisions), ballot initiatives, and other means. While we strive to provide the most current information available, please consult an attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

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Have Specific Questions About Virginia Asbestos Regulations? Ask a Lawyer

If you've been exposed to asbestos in the home, on the job, or elsewhere, you may be at risk for mesothelioma, lung cancer, or other serious illnesses. You also may have a valid legal claim for your illness. For this reason, you should consider speaking with a local personal injury lawyer who will be familiar with Virginia asbestos regulations and explain how they affect your case.

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