During times of relative stability, it's so tempting to grow complacent. Sure, there are those professional risks you've fantasized about taking to boost your practice. But the dreaded string of "what ifs" soon follows and puts those fledgling temptations to rest.
But here's the thing: Those "what ifs" are crippling and can actually hurt the longevity of your business. Risks are not only necessary to thrive, they're crucial to survive.
The critically acclaimed HBO show "True Detective" culled its inspiration from a variety of works, ranging from a collection of obscure art nouveau stories to low-brow pulp lit.
But did the existential neo-noir draw upon a real-life case of Satanism and child sex abuse in rural Louisiana in the early 2000s?
Reports are surfacing that "True Detective" eerily parallels the case of Hosanna Church in Tangipahoa Parish.
Internship season is fast approaching, making now a good time for business owners to start brainstorming potential intern interview questions.
Your interview questions should elicit responses that will give you a sense of a would-be intern's thought process, level of professionalism, and ability to perform under pressure. Such traits can help stave off interns who could expose the company to legal liability.
As many as one in 68 children in the United States may have autism, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
From your child's right to educational accommodations to different types of alternative dispute resolution, parents of autistic children are often unfamiliar with the legal protections in place to protect their children's access to education.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, an effort to educate the public about the crime, its consequences, and how to prevent it.
Sexual assault occurs when a person forces you to participate in sexual contact without your consent. It can have devastating and long-lasting effects on a victim, but victims should try to remember that legal protections are in place to help them on their road to recovery.
You can be charged with criminal trespassing when you enter someone else's land or use someone else's chattel without permission or authorization.
Police officers, sheriffs, and even park rangers typically enforce criminal trespass law. But there are a few situations in which trespassing charges may be dropped against a defendant.
Here are a few common defenses to trespassing: