About the FindLaw.com Team

As the leading online destination for free legal information, FindLaw.com works hard to bring consumers and attorneys relevant legal news, information, and resources. Whether you are a consumer looking for an attorney, a DIY form, or some information to better understand a legal issue, or an attorney looking to grow your practice and better serve your clients, FindLaw wants to be the trusted source you turn to for answers.
We use different teams and channels to provide the right resources for you. Below is a description of our key teams and how they work.
FindLaw.com Staff
A dedicated team of writers and editors create the content for Learn About the Law, FindLaw for Legal Professionals, and FindLaw Legal Blogs. All of our writers are highly qualified and hold law degrees or have journalism backgrounds combined with experience in law. We strive to provide accurate, up-to-date and relevant information for both consumers and attorneys. We are proud of our quality standards and editorial practices. There is a lot of misinformation about the law online, so we know we must earn our readers’ trust by providing the most accurate information possible.
Our legal editors do not publish to the site without reviewing each blog post or article for both style and substance. We also follow best practices for making our online content accessible to the general reader, while maintaining our accuracy in representing the state of the law, the legal system, and legal issues in the news.
Awards and Recognition
Not only has FindLaw.com been recognized as a market leader in online legal information by evaluators such as Comscore, but our individual content efforts have been widely recognized as well. Our blogs, caselaw, codes, and articles have been shared across social media by renowned commentators (New York Times legal expert Adam Liptak), authors (Margret Atwood), journalists (Jeffrey Toobin, CNN; Sally Jenkins, Washington Post; Mark Knoller, CBS News), and even highlighted by pop culture icons like Stephen Colbert and Jon Oliver. Our Legally Weird and Technologist blogs have been included for several years in the ABA Journal's Blawg 100 list of top 100 legal blogs.
Lawyer Directory
FindLaw.com is home to one of the largest online lawyer directories in the world. Featuring lawyers from all over the U.S. with expertise in 119 practice areas, our Directory guides readers to lawyers near them who can help resolve their legal issues. Many lawyers featured in our Directory give free initial consultations, so even if you are not sure you need an attorney, we can help with the first steps you need to take in solving your legal problems without cost or commitment.
Of course, you also want to know that the attorney you are meeting with can capably handle your issue. Our Directory has a ratings and reviews system. Any client can rate their experience with their attorney or with their firm so prospective clients can feel sure they will get the legal representation best suited to their needs.
We provide DIY forms for you to quickly create a simple estate plan or form your business.
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For Legal Professionals
FindLaw.com not only serves consumers of legal information, we serve the professional legal community as well. As one of the earliest providers of free online legal content like caselaw from state and federal courts, and statutes from nearly all 50 states, we are a trusted source for free research options in the legal community. We also provide content to help lawyers learn more about their profession as well as how to effectively run a law practice.
In support of our audience working hard to run their own firms, we also provide acclaimed legal marketing services. FindLaw provides website, social, blogging, video, and chat marketing services, but also much more. For information on our lawyer marketing business, please talk to our experts.
To Learn More
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