Union Members' Rights

You finally got that union job you've been waiting for. Full benefits and a chance to have a voice in protecting your pension. So, what are some of the perks of joining a union? If you're having a problem with your employer, union representatives can provide advice and representation. You can also look forward to medical insurance, paid vacation, sick pay, overtime premiums, and shift differentials.

Follow along as FindLaw takes you through the basics of union members' rights including what specific law guarantees union rights, union member and officer responsibilities, and much more.

The National Labor Relations Act and the Landrum-Griffin Act

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), also known as the Landrum-Griffin Act, are vital federal laws governing labor relations in the United States. The NLRA protects the rights of employees to organize and bargain collectively with their employers. 

It also established a federal agency called the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), overseen by the U.S. Department of Labor. The NLRB enforces these employee rights and oversees labor disputes. It also addresses issues such as unfair labor practices.

The Landrum-Griffin Act aims to promote transparency and democracy within labor unions. It sets requirements for union elections, financial reporting, and union member rights. It's overseen by both the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Together, these laws play a crucial role in shaping labor relations and ensuring accountability in the workplace.

Bill of Rights

Under the LMRDA, union members have a series of tools to help in holding union officials accountable. This Bill of Rights grants members several rights:

  • Equal rights to participate in union activities
  • Freedom of speech and assembly
  • Voice in setting rates of dues, fees, and assessments
  • Protection of the right to sue
  • Safeguards against improper discipline

Right To Receive Copies: Collective Bargaining Agreements

Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is negotiated between management and workers represented by the union to establish key terms and conditions of employment within a bargaining unit. The result is a CBA, which outlines various aspects of worker's rights and working conditions. 

Both union members and non-members are entitled to receive or inspect copies of collective bargaining agreements to understand the terms governing their employment. 

In addition, unions are obligated to file constitutions, and bylaws, as well as annual financial reports. This provides transparency and accountability to their members and the broader community.

Union Officer Elections

Another crucial aspect of union member rights is the ability to participate in officer elections. Title IV of the Landrum-Griffin Act outlines the rules and procedures for these elections. Elections must take place every three years.

Under the Landrum-Griffin Act, members of the union have the right to:

  • Nominate candidates for office
  • Run for office themselves
  • Cast their votes via secret ballot
  • Protest any election misconduct

What happens if these rules are violated? The Office of Labor-Management Standards conducts civil and criminal investigations into election fraud and other breaches of the Landrum-Griffin Act.

Union members also have the right to request the removal of elected officers found guilty of serious misconduct. These rights ensure fair representation and accountability within the union.

Union Officer Responsibilities

Being a union officer entails various responsibilities to ensure the well-being and representation of union members. These duties include:

  • Financial Safeguards: This involves upholding fiscal responsibility and effectively managing the funds and property of the union. Officials must prioritize the union membership's interests over their own. Officials must also adhere to the guidelines outlined in the union contract and in the union's constitution and bylaws.
  • Bonding: If the union funds or property exceed $5,000, it's mandatory for a union officer or employee handling those funds to be fully bonded. This bonding serves as a safeguard against potential loss or mismanagement of union assets.
  • Reporting: Union officers are required to file an initial information report and annual financial reports to ensure transparency and accountability. These reports must be retained for a minimum of five years to comply with union representation regulations.

Union Members' Rights: Additional Resources

Maybe you still have questions about union members' rights after reading this article. You can continue your inquiry by researching this topic using the links we have compiled below.

Learn More About Your Rights as a Union Member: Talk to an Attorney

The concept of union members' rights can get tricky. If you're a member of a labor organization and have questions about your rights, you don't have to wade through a bunch of bylaws, regulations, and rules. Consider getting your labor law questions answered today by contacting a local employment law attorney.

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