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Make your health care wishes known

Create a Hawaii health care directive with FindLaw’s attorney-created forms and easy step-by-step process.

Choose your Hawaii health care directive options

Make your health care wishes known so you stay in control of your treatment with a health care directive. Ensure comprehensive protection for you and your loved ones and secure your future with an estate planning forms package.

Health Care Directive

Customize a health care directive to suit your needs

What’s included:
What’s included
Step-by-step guided process
A health care directive tailored to your needs
Attorney-approved document compliant with your state’s laws
Free HIPAA release form


Estate Planning Package

All the forms you need to create a personal estate plan

What’s included:
What’s included
Last will and testament
Health care directive
Power of attorney
Free HIPAA release form
A comprehensive plan — for less

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The benefits of a Hawaii health care directive

The benefit of having a Hawaii health care directive is that it allows family members and health care workers to know your medical treatment preferences. You can leave individual instructions about the end-of-life care and life-sustaining treatment you wish to receive.


Written by:

Linda Long, J.D.

Contributing Author


Reviewed by:

Tim Kelly, J.D.

Contributing Author

How it works

The process takes less than an hour, and you can complete it from the comfort of your home.

Create an account

Create a secure account which is accessible through an easy dashboard you can access any time

Gather information

Decide who will be your health care agent/proxy, which treatments you would request or refuse and release your records

Complete your document

Answer all questions, then we’ll generate your digital documents for downloading, printing, and signing

Make it legal

Print and sign your document according to instructions. Give copies to your doctors and agent/proxy

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What’s next to make my Hawaii health care directive valid?

Validate your Hawaii health care directive by following these steps:

Make tough decisions

End-of-life care decisions are never easy. No one wants to think about falling ill or incapacitated and being unable to communicate medical treatment preferences. A health care directive, also know as a living will or advance directive, can alleviate that unsettling feeling.

In Hawaii, advance health care directives take effect if you are near death. You can rely on your health care directive if you suffer brain damage or disease that makes you permanently unable to communicate medical treatment preferences.

Suppose you want medical providers to use artificial nutrition or artificial hydration procedures. In that case, you will have to include this request in your health care directive. You should also decide if you want hospice care, whether you want relief from pain, and if you want to leave any spiritual or religious instructions.

Decide what kind of care and treatment you will receive

Your health care directive requires you to make decisions about what life-prolonging treatment you would like to receive, such as:

  • Feeding tubes
  • Blood transfusions
  • Life-term facility
  • The use of mechanical resuscitation
  • Hospice care

Sign and notarize

In Hawaii, health care directives must be signed by the declarant or someone signing on their behalf in front of two witnesses. All signatures must be notarized.

Ready to start your Hawaii health care directive?

Hawaii health care directive frequently asked questions

The legal requirements to make a legally valid Hawaii health care directive are:

  • A competent person that is at least 18 years old or an emancipated minor
  • The document must be in writing
  • Health care directives must be signed by the declarant (the person making the health care directive) or by someone the declarant authorizes to sign in their place at their direction in the presence of the declarant
  • The document must be dated
  • The health care directive be witnessed by at least two witnesses that are each at least 18 years old
  • Everyone’s signature must be notarized
  • Before making an advance directive, the declarant must be in a terminal condition or have permanently lost their ability to communicate medical treatment preferences
Yes, you can write your own health care directive. An attorney is not required, although some people choose to use one and many attorneys offer its creation as a service. The attorneys at FindLaw have created Hawaii-specific health care directive forms so you can begin the process of making your health care directive from the comfort of your home.

You can override a health care directive by making a new one or revoking specific provisions. You can withdraw your health care directive at any time by using one of the following methods:

  • A signed and dated writing that clearly revokes your health care directive
  • By a clear verbal expression in front of two witnesses
  • By destroying the health care directive
  • By a clear indication to an attending physician

Agents have only the authority that is bestowed to them in your advance directive. An agent can only make health care decisions on behalf of a declarant who lacks capacity. Once the declarant regains capacity, the agent’s authority ends. Only a primary care physician can determine the declarant’s capacity.

Agents can only act on instructions from their principals. If the principal does not leave instructions, the agent shall make decisions on the principal’s behalf based on the principal’s best interests. In determining what decisions are best for the principal, the agent should consider the principal’s personal values to the extent that you know them.

FindLaw has created an easy, efficient, do-it-yourself health care directive form you can complete in under an hour from the comfort of your own home.

Every adult should have an advance directive. Advance directives allow you to advocate for yourself in an emergency medical situation. An advance directive protects your interest in your medical treatment preferences.

You may want to speak with a lawyer if:

  • Your family disagrees with your medical choices
  • You don’t know who to appoint as your agent
  • You have questions about life prolonging measures
  • You want legal review of your completed document
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