FindLaw explains the steps that must be taken to start a bank, which is often a costly, time-consuming endeavor.
Learn about forming a DBA in Virginia. FindLaw gives you 4 easy steps to create your DBA and answers frequently asked questions.
FindLaw explains how an S-corp is not a business structure, but rather a tax designation available to corporations and LLCs.
FindLaw breaks down the different types of limited liability companies (LLCs) and how they can benefit their owners.
FindLaw explains limited liability company (LLC) operating agreements and how they differ based on a business's needs.
FindLaw discusses the uses of business trusts and how they provide a flexible organizational method for mutual funds.
FindLaw explains Employer Identification Numbers (EINs), which are like Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for your business.
EINs are like social security numbers for your business, and it's never a bad idea for an LLC to have one.
FindLaw explains how "LLC license" is often just a commonly used phrase, not a state-issued license in the technical sense.
FindLaw explains sole proprietorships as well as the benefits and risks of using it as a business structure.