The Law Office Hardware section of FindLaw's Legal Technology Center provides free resources related to office equipment commonly used in law practice. Technology such as computers, peripherals, telephones and conferencing, and other office equipment are all important to the operation of every successful law practice. FindLaw provides free information to help you increase the efficiency and productivity of your law practice through law office hardware technology.
Law Office Hardware
Law Office Hardware
Learn More About Law Office Hardware
Is Your Computer Still Necessary? Practicing Law with a Tablet
Will a tablet be able to replace a lawyer's desktop or laptop altogether?
Strengthen Your Firm's Tech Skills
If your attorneys need to improve their use of technology, these incremental steps can show immediate results in efficiency and productivity.
Help Desk Challenges During Law Firm Upgrades
When the economy was struggling, many law firms hunkered down and postponed major software purchases and upgrades. Now, firms are making up for lost time and investing in their technology environments.
Lawyers Get Printer-Scanner-Copier All-in-Ones for Under $200
Attorneys do not need to leave their office or tax support staff for small document production jobs, since inexpensive "all-in-one" printer-copier-scanners can be placed on every attorney's desktop. Let's take a look at what you can expect in that price range.
Law Office Hardware Articles
Uniform Scanning from Anywhere
Firms must create integrated programs and embrace available technology to stem the tide of paper in the law firm.
Practical Ways to Use Voice Productivity Technology for a Better Law Practice
Voice Productivity Technology (VPT) can help attorneys be more productive in their daily practice of law, even on the go.
Computer Security Breaches Impact The Bottom Line
The impact of computer security breaches is not hypothetical. When such a breach occurs, the financial consequences are real and can be immediate. Thus, it is better to be penny-wise rather than pound-foolish, and companies would be smart on the front-end to take steps to prevent breaches from occurring.
Lawyers Get Printer-Scanner-Copier All-in-Ones for Under $200
Attorneys do not need to leave their office or tax support staff for small document production jobs, since inexpensive "all-in-one" printer-copier-scanners can be placed on every attorney's desktop. Let's take a look at what you can expect in that price range.
Keeping Law Firm IT Support on a Straight Path
When it comes to IT support for law firms, change is inevitable, but you can proactively deal with problems.