Tired of BigLaw? Become a Reality TV Host!
For associates and partners who need a break from BigLaw life, you're in luck: producers are looking for an "everyday lawyer" to host a reality TV show.
GRB Entertainment, a Los Angeles production company, is producing a U.S. version of the BBC TV show, "The Legalizer," according to the ABA Journal. The U.K. show teaches consumers how the Small Claims Court process works and how they can fight for their rights.
So do you have what it takes to be a breakout reality TV host?
The Job Description
We all have regrets about going to law school, especially those BigLaw attorneys who are grinding away for The Man, when they thought they attended law school to seek justice for the little people. Well, if you're selected to host the reality show, you'll be able to help "everyday people" resolve their legal issues, reports the ABA Journal.
The show will focus on various types of civil cases and aren't limited to small claims. Since this is TV show, you might be worried about client confidentiality issues. Don't worry -- apparently, the host won't be giving legal advice, but you'll be educating people on their rights, legal options, and what steps to take. So just like what Tabatha Coffey is to salons and poorly managed businesses, the lawyer host will give potential litigants the tough love they need. Bonus: Associates in BigLaw probably already know a thing or two about tough love.
GRB Entertainment is looking for someone with a charismatic personality and is relatable to the general public, according to ABA Journal. You don't need a ton of media experience or even much legal experience -- you'll be supported by a behind-the-scenes staff of legal consultants. In fact, you don't even need to be actively practicing law right now. You just need to be comfortable and credible in front of a camera. With our selfie-obssessed, voyeuristic culture these days, finding someone to fit that role shouldn't be a problem.
Lawyers and Reality TV
Lawyers are no strangers to reality TV, but usually they're not acting as legal consultants. Here are some attorneys turned reality stars you may have heard of:
- Victor and Tammy Jih: The attorney siblings who won season 14 of CBS's "The Amazing Race."
- Carolyn Yamazaki: A Chicago immigration attorney who was dropped into the Alaskan wilderness for the Discovery Channel's "Out of the Wild: The Alaska Experiment."
- Esther Kang: An entertainment attorney turned baker who was a competitor on Fox's "MasterChef."
So if you're ready to become a reality TV host, contact Andrea McHugh at amchugh@grbtv.com with your name, photo, contact information and a brief bio.
Got more job tips? Tweet us on Twitter.
Related Resources:
- GRB Entertainment's Website (GRB Entertainment)
- Pick a Practice Area You Love, Not Just One That Pays (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- What Courses Should You Take To Prepare For BigLaw? (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)