Top 3 Cool Legal Jobs This Week: The FANG Companies

Last year, four companies dominated the news -- the FANG companies. In fact, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google probably accounted for most if not all of the entire return on the S&P500, making up the losses of the companies below them.
You're probably wondering: wouldn't it be nice to get a nice cushy legal job with a company like that? Well, we can help you with finding the job, but we don't know how cushy it's really going to be. As part of our affiliate relationship with Indeed, we're bringing you the three coolest jobs we can find -- plus one. Get your resumes ready
1. Facebook: Deputy General Counsel, Global Regulatory & Competition
Imagine what your Facebook page will look like once you land the position of Deputy General Counsel, Global Regulatory Competition at Facebook. (There could, ironically, be a "no Facebook" clause in your contract. But by that time, you won't care.)
Of the jobs we're listing, the Facebook's appears to require the most experience. After all, you'll be managing the whole company's legal position and strategy on competition, telecom, business strategies, and regulatory matters. Across the entire planet. It sounds cool, and it sounds like it should scare you. You'll need to have 12+ years of experience before you can sit on this ride, and that will also have to come with significant prior experience as chair in regulatory actions as well as tech literacy.
2. Amazon: Corporate Counsel
Alexa, get me a job at Amazon. The mega-online-retailer that is even making Wal-mart quake in its boots is looking for a tech-literate attorney to help guide the company's rapidly growing expansion into Amazon's Web Services and its "cloud" computing services.
The attorney will need some technical know-how to support the Amazon Web Services developer tools product groups so that the team doesn't blunder into. You'll also get to cut your teeth on some pre-litigation matters and settling disputes. Sounds incredible. We mean it!
3. Netflix: Corporate Counsel
Imagine being on the legal team that brought you the series House of Cards, Orange Is the New Black and Daredevil. If you get hired as Corporate Counsel for Netflix in their Beverly Hills location, you can expect to be shaping how we get our digital content in ways you probably can't even imagine right now.
You'll need at least 8+ years of practical experience in business and securities law as well as expertise in corporate structuring, subsidiary management, tax considerations, and all other sorts of juicy money management know-how that will justify your becoming a part of this most coveted of corporate counsel chairs.
Bonus! Google: Associate Product Counsel
Are you feeling lucky? Then you should probably try your luck at applying to the company whose search engine has infiltrated virtually all aspects of our lives: Google. The mega-search-engine company is looking for an Associate Product Attorney and it sounds, frankly, really exciting.
You'll be helping to ensure that Google products and services are in compliance with US and international trade laws and you'll be immersed neck deep in intellectual property issues. You'll also be getting a lot of contact by working directly with the sales, engineering, product management, marketing, and client services. It'll be your job to help guide them through all the legal ramifications of each stage of Google product development.
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