Top 5 Lawyer Mom Blogs Just in Time For Mother's Day

In the spirit of Mother's Day, we're bringing you the top five blogs for female lawyers, specifically, for lawyer moms.
Any female lawyer who is also juggling the job of being a mother will tell you that "juggling" is the right word. The career of law is difficult enough as it is, without the struggles of motherhood.
Some of these blogs talk about legal issues, others talk about the struggles of being a working mother.
Some are written by women working at firms and others are written by women who quit the law to be stay-at-home moms.
So here's to mommy lawyers everywhere, as we present our top five lawyer mom blogs.
- Law Mom Blog. This blog is an ABA Blawg and tells the tales of motherhood and law. The author is a litigator in Illinois.
- Attorney Diaries. Here's a blog with practical tips containing work advice for new lawyers and for mommy lawyers. As the description states, the law is the confessions of a young attorney making her way through a ravaged economy. It discusses the delicate balance that many women have to face not only with motherhood but also in the profession of law.
- Blue Suit Mom: While this blog isn't dedicated only to lawyers, it has the most relevant advice to working women and lawyer moms than many other sites out there. It discusses practical advice on maintaining a high-powered career while being a mom, such as juggling after-school activities with busy work schedules, keeping in touch with the office while on the go and other practical tools to help female executives stay afloat.
- The Mommy Blawg: This blog is written by a lawyer mom in Idaho. Her blog covers a variety of legal issues that are relevant to mothers, including tax breaks for home schoolers and laws relating to midwifery.
- But I Do Have a Law Degree. The author of this blog is a lawyer turned stay-at-home mom. It also features a series of posts by guest bloggers who share their stories on work-life balance and parenthood.
Happy Mother's Day!
Related Resources:
- O'Melveny Helps New Parents Transition Back to Billing Hours (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Work-Life Balance: Can the Greedy Associate Have it All (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- When Mommy Track Leads Out the Door (Jezebel)