Woman, 66 with Terminal Cancer, Tackles Armed Bank Robber

People who bill massive amounts of hours in a tall building sometimes lose touch with what's going on out on the street. So here's an inspiring story of heroics at a bank.
Ah, did the word bank perk up your interest? Thought so.
Well if you ever actually set foot into a bank branch again, keep in mind the story of again in your life, remember what Helen Dunsford did at her bank recently.
Renee Green really was trying to rob a Florida bank on Friday, and sixty-six year-old cancer fighter Dunsford definitely tackled the would-be bank robber, body slamming her to the floor.
Why'd she do it? Only God can kill her now.
Friday morning, Green entered a local bank, and with her hand inside her purse, ordered everyone to the floor, reports the Sun-Sentinel. She then demanded $10,000.
Helen Dunsford then grabbed Green in a bear hug, just as a man that was with Renee Green shouted that the suspect was mentally ill, according to the Sun Sentinel.
When officials arrived, Green tried to tell them that it was an April Fool's joke, notes NBC Miami.
Nice try Ms. Green.
As for Helen Dunsford, officials caution that it is not a prudent idea to tackle criminals (ya think?), and that instead of plotting an attack, bystanders should try to be good witnesses.
But Helen Dunsford is a special woman, willing to die for many an important cause.
In addition to risking her life for bank customers, the Sun-Sentinel reports that last year she told Fort Lauderdale officials that she would be willing to die to protect her things--the city was trying to remove four decades worth of belongings stored on her front yard.
Related Resources:
- Woman jumps into action during attempted bank robbery(WSVN)
- Bank Robber Uses Bus for Getaway Vehicle (FindLaw's Legally Weird)
- Dumb Bank Robber, Dumber Outfit (FindLaw's Legal Grounds)