Pot Soda: New Soda Pot Coming to Dispensaries
If there is one area where there is no shortage of innovation, it's in mixing drugs with food and beverages. That's especially true in the business of medical marijuana, where you can buy pot cupcakes, pot brownies, pot lollypops, and much more. Now there is a new item that could be coming to a shelf near you: Canna Cola, a medical marijuana pot soda, or soda pot.
Clay Butler, a California entrepreneur, plans to market an artesian line of medical marijuana soft drinks in several flavors, including Dr. Pepper-like Doc Weed, lemon-lime Sour Diesel, grape-flavored Grape Ape and orange-flavored Orange Kush, the Associated Press reports.
A 12-ounce bottle will cost $10 to $15. The soda will contain 35 to 65 milligrams of THC. That sounds like a lot, but getting accurate data on pot dosages was not easy. The initial starting dose of Marinol®, the oral THC pill, is 2.5 mg.
"I don't do drugs ... Never have. I never drank, never smoked. I'm a clean-living guy. I've had two beers in my whole life, and I remember them both too. No marijuana, I've never smoked a cigarette. I take an aspirin when I get a headache. That's it," said Butler, the Associated Press reports.
Butler says that he isn't the first person to come up with a pot soda, as there are already beverages that contain THC, but the difference is Butler says his soft drinks will taste really, really good. Also, the bottles feature unique artistic designs.
Medical marijuana remains a legal gray area, as even when states legalize it, it remains illegal under federal law. Therefore, entrepreneurs like Butler face a number of legal challenges. That's not to say that he won't be able to successfully market and sell the product. There is certainly a huge demand for soda pop, so perhaps soda pot is simply the next logical evolution.
Related Resources:
- Canna Cola: Medical Marijuana Goes Soft (deathandtaxesmag.com)
- New Law Would Double Pot Brownie Jail Time (FindLaw's Blotter)
- Medical Marijuana - An Overview (FindLaw)