TSA Cupcakegate: Feds Defend Cupcake Confiscation
We have an explanation!
The TSA's official blog -- an amazing place to calm (or stoke) your airport security rage -- has finally addressed TSA Cupcakegate. The latest in confectionary scandals occurred last month when security at a Las Vegas airport confiscated Rebecca Hains' cupcake.
Fortunately, Hains did not lose her cupcake in vain. No, she lost it so you and I can have a better explanation of the TSA's 3-1-1 rule.
You see, Rebecca Hains was not carrying your traditional cupcake. No, she was carrying a cupcake in a jar. Putting perfectly good desserts in jars is a new trend -- and is somehow supposed to make them better.
If true, the superiority of cupcakes in jars can only be explained by the jar's ability to hold a significant amount of frosting. This is where the TSA's Cupcakegate explanation comes in.
Frosting and icing-like substances are gels, according to the blog. Per the 3-1-1 rule, all liquids, gels and aerosols must fit into containers of 3 ounces or less. Those containers must be placed in a one-quart bag, and passengers are only entitled to carry-on one bag each.
Hains' cupcake in a jar contained way more than 3 ounces of frosting.
Now, you may be wondering how frosting can be a security risk. It's made of sugar, vanilla, butter and possibly eggs and cream cheese.
But what if someone decided to make liquid explosive-flavored frosting? There have been at least two incidents involving liquid explosives, according to the TSA blog. The agency must therefore be vigilant.
So, there you have it -- TSA Cupcakegate in approximately 250 words. Do you still agree with Rebecca Hains' outrage?
Related Resources:
- TSA defends confiscating cupcake (Boston Globe)
- Air Travel: Carry-On Items, Luggage, and Security Screening (FindLaw)
- Fewer TSA Pat Downs, Shoe Removal for Kids (FindLaw's Law & Daily Life)