5 Ways to Relax on a Fretful Friday

It’s Friday. If you are lucky, you only have about half of a day left of work before the weekend. Still, finding that extra motivation to push through the end of the day can be difficult. Your brain has already skipped ahead to thoughts of weekend plans.
How can you relax a bit, take the edge off, and get your second wind for the last few hours of the week? Here are five suggestions:
5. Step Out
Okay, we didn't say good suggestions. Sneaking out for a lunch beer is probably just going to make you tired. Still, a nice lunch with coworkers can alleviate the stress, clear your mind, and get those creative juices flowing. And if you choose to have a beer or two, you can always drink some coffee when you get back to the office.
4. Quick Gym Trip
Glorious endorphins. Feeling sluggish? Go to the gym and hit the elliptical or treadmill for twenty minutes. The post-workout endorphins and blood flow will have you feeling upbeat and ready to conquer the world. Plus, you'll reduce your chances of dying an early death due to heart conditions or obesity.
3. Sing to Taylor Swift
"She wears short skirts. I wear t-shirts. She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers." Who can't relate to the sorrowful reflections of a teenage country-pop star? Close your door, turn on the Fearless album, and let loose. Or, if you aren't the singing type, turn on this gem by Damien Marley and Skrillex and dance.
2. Go to a Pet Store and Play With the Puppies (or Kittens)
You know what's better than Taylor Swift? Nothing. The second-greatest thing in the world, however, is puppies and kittens. You have heard that heard that petting animals relieves stress, right? If you need a break, get in your car and drive to the nearest pet store. Play with the animals that are up for adoption. They need love and affection. You need to think of something else besides qualified immunity and Section 1983 lawsuits.
1. Read FindLaw Blogs
If you took anything written above totally seriously, you really do need a break. While not all of our musings are as irreverent as this post, or yesterday's advice to lonely lawyers on Valentine's Day, we do try to mix a little bit of fun in with our valuable and informative posts. Check out the full index of our blogs for Legal Professionals, which cover everything from Appellate Circuit Courts to lawyers' lifestyles.
Related Resources:
- Will Relaxing Make You a Better Attorney? (FindLaw's Strategist)
- Chubby Checker Sues Because His Name Became a Penile App (FindLaw's In House Blog)
- Lawyers: Stop Sitting, Start Raising the Roof? (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)