Attorney, Desperate for Attention, Begs to Talk Bieber (And Wins)

No publicity is bad publicity, right?
What about getting publicity for being desperate to get publicity?
We've all heard about Justin Bieber's recent troubles in Miami. A local attorney, who also serves as the beach commissioner, was so excited about the case, that he sent out emails, offering himself up for an interview, three separate times, for a case that he pretty much isn't involved in.
To make it even more disturbing, he apparently thought he was Bieber's attorney. He wasn't.
Please, PLEASE Interview Me
"Are you a member of the media? Do you care about Justin Bieber? Of course you do. Silly question.
That's where I, Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Grieco, come in. Not only am I a former state prosecutor and defense attorney -- but I'm also available for comment. Right now. Call me. I know I told you last time that I'd only ask once. I was wrong. Whatevs. But, really, last time I'm asking: Let's talk Bieber. (Please.)
--XOXO Michael Grieco"
That note was sent to the Miami New Times, and presumably to other local media outlets as well.
Where do we start? Is it the XOXO? Nothing says serious legal commentator like hugs and kisses. And the "(Please.)" is a little Oliver Twist-ish for a guy who brands himself as a "Celebrity Criminal Defense Attorney and Legal Commentator."
I'm His Lawyer ... Er ... Not.
"When Justin was arrested earlier this month in Miami Beach," one of the notes stated, "Mr. Grieco was one of the first attorneys to get a call about the case from Bieber's management."
Whoooey! And according to the New Times, that note indicated that he was, in fact, Bieber's barrister.
Shortly thereafter, a staff member clarified:
"I recently sent you email about celebrity criminal defense attorney Michael Grieco who is in Miami Beach and available for legal commentary. While following the breaking news information, we mistakenly noted that Mr. Grieco was working with Justin Bieber's attorney Roy Black. We want to make it clear that Mr. Grieco is not working with Mr. Black on the case. Please excuse our error."
That's embarrassing. Protip from a non-celebrity attorney: get the retainer signed before you send out hugs, kisses, and press releases.
The Press Kit
He has a freaking press kit. And a PR guy. The kit includes this unattributed quote:
"Michael Grieco is the face of a new generation of criminal defense lawyers. If there is breaking news making national headlines, this former prosecutor can provide thought-provoking legal commentary that will both inform and captivate your viewers and readers."
We tried Googling it. Whoever said that didn't say it online. Is he quoting himself? His PR guy?
Biebs or No Biebs, He Wins
We joke, but seriously, look at this (hat tip to South Florida Lawyers):
He has an office on the beach with an outdoor pool table. It beats a cubicle and half-functional foosball table. Maybe the shameless self-promotion thing actually works. Oh wait, it did. Here he is on Piers Morgan (skip to 8:06):
Carry on, Mr. Greico.
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