State |
Statute |
Alabama |
Obedience to traffic-control devices (AL Code 32-5A-31)
Alaska |
Negligent Driving (AK Statutes 28.35.45)
Arizona |
Obedience to and required traffic control devices (ARS 28-644)
Arkansas |
Traffic-Control Devices (AR Code Title 27, Ch. 52)
California |
Offenses Relating to Traffic Devices (California Vehicle Code Sections 21450 - 21468)
Colorado |
Obedience to official traffic control devices (CRS 42-4-603)
Connecticut |
Traffic control signals (GSC section 14-299)
Delaware |
Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings (DE Code Title 21, Ch. 41, Subchapter II)
District of Columbia |
Browse the D.C. Vehicle Code (scroll to Title 50)
Florida |
Traffic control signal devices (FS 316.075)
Georgia |
Traffic signals (Georgia Code 40-6-21)
Hawaii |
Obedience to and required traffic control devices (HRS section 291C-31)
Idaho |
Obedience to and required traffic control devices (ID Statutes section 49-801)
Illinois |
Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings (625 ILCS 5/11-301 to 5/11-313)
Indiana |
Traffic Control Signals (Indiana Code 9-21-3)
Traffic Control Devices (Indiana Code 9-21-4)
Iowa |
Obedience to official traffic control devices (IA Code section 321.256)
Kansas |
Official traffic control devices; required obedience (KS Statutes 8-1507)
Kentucky |
Traffic control signals [PDF] (KRS 189.338)
Louisiana |
Obedience to and required traffic control devices (LRS 32:231)
Traffic control signals (LRS 32:232)
Maine |
Traffic control devices (MRS Title 29-A section 2057)
Maryland |
Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings (MD Transp. Code Title 21 scroll to Subtitle 2)
Massachusetts |
Traffic control signs and devices (89 MGL section 9)
Michigan |
Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings (MI Vehicle Code sections 257.608 to 257.616a)
Minnesota |
Signs, signals, and markings (MN Statute 169.06)
Mississippi |
Traffic signs, signals, and markings (MS Code Title 52, Ch. 3 scroll to Article 7)
Missouri |
Observance of traffic-control devices (MRS 304.271)
Rules for traffic when controlled by light signals (MRS 304.281)
Montana |
Obedience to traffic control devices (MCA section 61-8-201)
Nebraska |
Obedience to traffic control devices (R.R.S. Nebr. § 60-6, 119)
Nevada |
Obedience to devices for control of traffic (NRS 484.278)
New Hampshire |
Obedience to any required traffic control devices (NH Statutes 265:9)
New Jersey |
Traffic control devices; drivers' obedience (NJ Statutes 39:4-120.9
Traffic signals; observance (NJ Statutes 39:4-81)
New Mexico |
Obedience to any required traffic-control devices (NMS 66-7-104)
New York |
Traffic signs, signals, and markings (NY Vehicle & Traffic Code Article 24)
North Carolina |
Vehicle control signs and signals (NCGS section 20-158)
North Dakota |
Obedience to and required traffic-control devices [PDF] (ND Code Chapter 39-10 scroll to 39-10-04)
Ohio |
Obeying Traffic Control Devices (ORC section 4511.12)
Oklahoma |
Obedience to and required traffic control devices (OK Statute 47-11-201)
Oregon |
Rules of the Road: Traffic Control Devices [PDF] (OR Vehicle Code scroll to 811.260 to 811.270)
Pennsylvania |
Operation of Vehicles: Traffic Control Devices [PDF] (PA Vehicle Code Ch. 31; scroll to Subchapter B)
Rhode Island |
Traffic Control Devices (RI Code Ch. 31-13)
South Carolina |
Obedience to and required traffic-control devices (SC Code scroll to section 56-5-950)
South Dakota |
Traffic Control Devices (SD Codified Laws Ch. 32-28)
Tennessee |
Obedience to any required traffic control device (TN Code section 55-8-109)
Texas |
Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings (TX Transp. Code Ch. 544)
Utah |
Obeying Devices (UT Code 41-6a-304)
Vermont |
Obedience to traffic-control devices (23 VSA section 1021)
Virginia |
Traffic lights; penalty (VA Code 46.2-833)
Washington |
Obedience to and required traffic control devices (RCW section 46.61.050)
West Virginia |
Obedience to traffic control devices (WV Code section 17C-3-4)
Wisconsin |
Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings [PDF] (WI Code Chapter 346 scroll to Subchapter VI)
Wyoming |
Traffic-Control Devices (WY Statutes Title 31, Ch. 5, Article 4)