State Traffic Laws

There are some basic rules of driving that all states enforce for traffic safety. For example, all states require that drivers drive on the right side of the road and obey the speed limits.

However, there are differences among the states regarding the more detailed aspects of driving. You should know the driving laws of your home state and check the rules each time you move or decide to travel through another state.

FindLaw's State Traffic Laws section provides information about driving rules in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Some of the information in this section includes each state's online vehicle code, statutes for traffic violations, and state-specific driving manuals.

Traffic Laws Common to All States

Some driving laws are common to all states. For example, every state requires drivers to have a valid driver's license and to register their vehicle. However, the requirements and procedure for getting a license and registering your car can vary from state to state.

A few rules of the road in all states include:

  • Yielding to pedestrians and bicyclists even when they aren't on a crosswalk
  • Yielding to the driver with the right of way at an intersection
  • Wearing seat belts
  • Pulling over to let an emergency vehicle pass
  • Reaching a complete stop at a stop sign
  • Maintaining basic safety features of your vehicle, such as windshield wipers and turn signals
  • Slowing down to a reduced speed limit in a work zone
  • Signaling and checking blind spots before changing lanes

All states have laws outlawing speeding, running red lights, and leaving the scene of an accident. They also have laws that make it illegal to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) while driving.

Standardization Across States

Each state creates its own vehicle code, but states also must consider a few federal rules. These rules include sharing a vehicle registration database and accepting licenses from other states.

For example, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) sets nationwide standards for traffic signs and traffic lights. States can create slight variations to suit specific needs, but all states must meet these standards. These requirements ensure that travelers can easily and instantly understand the road rules when driving across states.

How State Driving Laws Differ

Though each state has laws about the basic rules of driving, the details of the laws vary from state to state. When driving in a different state, assuming that the driving rules will be the same as your home state is dangerous.

Some of the differences commonly involve:

Standard speed limits are a clear example of how laws differ. The maximum speed limit on a freeway in one state might be 65 mph, but another state's freeway speed limit could be 70 mph. The punishment for violating these laws also usually varies from state to state.

The Driver's License Point System

Many states use the driver's license point system. This system assigns point values to each type of traffic offense. This system allows each state's motor vehicle department to keep track of people's driving records.

Each state gives each traffic offense a point value. You can face penalties if you get too many points on your license, especially in a short time. The state motor vehicle department may suspend your license.

Several states don't use the points system. Instead, they keep track of your driving history and handle traffic ticket penalties differently.

How Local Traffic Laws Work

State law outlines almost all traffic rules that drivers should know. Yet, many states also set laws that let local governments add special rules through ordinances.

Traffic ordinances can enhance public safety in a local area based on the specific roadway. For example, state law might allow a city to set parking restrictions or prohibit right turns on red lights at an intersection.

Local ordinances must still follow state and federal regulations. For example, a state may allow cities to set a highway speed limit lower but not higher than the standard state highway speed.

State Laws and Resources for Traffic Tickets

Find more information about your state traffic laws below. Many states have online service centers for traffic tickets. 


Alabama Traffic Service Center

(Alabama Administrative Office of Courts)


Alaska Traffic Cases FAQ

(Alaska Court System)


Courts and Traffic Ticket Information

(Arizona Department of Public Safety)


Arkansas Online Court Payment

(Arkansas Courts)


Traffic Citation Options

(Judicial Branch of California)


County Court Traffic Violations

(Colorado Judicial Branch)


Complaint Tickets FAQ

(Connecticut Judicial Branch)


Traffic Tickets FAQ

(Delaware State Courts)

District of Columbia

District of Columbia Ticket Services

(D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles)


Traffic Ticket Options

(Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles)


Georgia Online Driver Services

(Georgia Department of Driver Services)


Self-Help for Traffic Cases

(Hawaii State Judiciary)


Idaho DMV Online Services

(Idaho Division of Motor Vehicles )


County Traffic Ticket Services

(Clerk of the Circuit Court)


Online Ticket Payment

(Indiana Supreme Court)


Pay Iowa Tickets Online

(Iowa Motor Vehicle Division)


KSCourts Central Payment Center

(Kansas Judicial Branch)


Kentucky Court of Justice

(The Administrative Office of the Courts)


Online ticket services vary by jurisdiction.


About Traffic Violations

(Maine Judicial Branch)


Traffic Citation Information

(District Court of Maryland)


Pay Your Massachusetts Traffic Ticket

(Trial Court Law Libraries)


Ticket ePay

(Michigan Judiciary)


Pay Minnesota Court Fines

(Minnesota Judicial Branch)


Online ticket services vary by jurisdiction.


Make a Payment

(Missouri Courts)


Montana Courts Online Payment System

(Montana Courts via CitePayUSA)


Online Services

(Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles)


Pay a Ticket

(Nevada Courts)

New Hampshire

Respond to a Motor Vehicle Ticket

(New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles)

New Jersey

Online Traffic Services

(New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission)

New Mexico

Citation Payment

(New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division)

New York

Online ticket services vary by jurisdiction.

North Carolina

Traffic Violations

(North Carolina Judicial Branch)

North Dakota

Pay Fines

(North Dakota Court System)


Online ticket services vary by jurisdiction.







Rhode Island


South Carolina


South Dakota





Texas Traffic Offenses

(Texas Department of Public Safety)


Utah Traffic Violations

(Utah State Courts)




Pay Traffic Tickets Online

(Virginia Judicial System)


Accumulation of Traffic Tickets

(WA Department of Licensing)

West Virginia






Hiring a Lawyer in Your State

You can learn about your state's traffic laws without the help of a lawyer. You might feel differently, however, if you've received a traffic ticket.

While you can generally take care of a traffic ticket without a lawyer, you might want to consult a traffic ticket attorney to learn about your legal options. If you're facing more serious charges, such as a DUI or felony hit and run, a criminal defense attorney may be the right fit for your case.

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Can I Solve This on My Own or Do I Need an Attorney?

  • Complex traffic tickets usually require a lawyer
  • Experienced lawyers can seek to reduce or eliminate penalties
  • A lawyer can help you keep your license

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