Connecticut OUI (DUI) laws include intoxication by any substance. FindLaw reviews the law and possible penalties.
FindLaw reviews state and federal payday laws and what to do if your paycheck is late or missing.
FindLaw's Litigation and Appeals section explains federal preemption, the supremacy clause, and when federal law overrides conflicting state law.
Like other businesses, municipalities can declare bankruptcy if they cannot pay their debts. FindLaw provides an overview of Chapter 9 bankruptcy.
Although most DUI cases involve automobiles, trucks, SUVs and sometimes motorcycles, drunk biking can also result in a DUI charge. Learn more in FindLaw's DUI Law section.
Learn more about paying off debt, insolvency, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies, credit, and other legal matters at FindLaw.com.
Credit counseling is a useful tool when facing debt. FindLaw reviews how to avoid scams, what to ask, and what to expect from the counseling services.
FindLaw reviews the importance of personal financial statements and helps you draft your own.
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is for small or large businesses in debt. Learn about U.S. Bankruptcy Rules, repayment plans, automatic stays, secured creditors, and much more at FindLaw.com.
FindLaw explains Subchapter 5 of Chapter 11, which gives small businesses a faster, less expensive option for reorganizing their debts in bankruptcy.