Insurance Agent License Requirements by State

Insurance agents have the important role of providing the public with insurance coverage for our families, homes, and property. Many of us rely on the protections offered through insurance, and trust our insurance agents to recommend appropriate and comprehensive coverage. It's therefore not surprising that all states require insurance agents to become licensed before selling insurance to the public. The specific requirements for an agent to become licensed varies considerably from state to state.

State Insurance Agent Requirements

Insurance "producers," commonly known as insurance agents or brokers, are individuals who are licensed by a state's insurance department to sell insurance within that state. Each state has its own set of procedures for applying for a producer's license. The process will vary depending on the type of insurance—known as a "line of authority"—that you intend to sell. While the exact procedures vary, many states require applicants to complete pre-licensing training courses, pass an exam, and submit to fingerprinting.

In most states, requirements for becoming a producer will also differ depending on if you're a resident of the state in which you are applying, if you're a resident of a different state, or if you're already licensed but planning on relocating to a new state. You'll want to be sure to review the resident and non-resident requirements for your state carefully.

Lines of Authority

Insurance producers must be licensed for each line of authority that they sell. You can be licensed for more than one line of authority, but in many states you must take separate pre-licensing training courses and exams for each line. Some common lines of authority include:

Some states provide licensing options to bundle certain lines of authority together. For example, in some states you can choose to apply for a license to sell only life insurance, or you can apply for a more comprehensive license that covers health, accident, and life insurance.

Insurance Agent Licensing Requirements by State

The table below lays out insurance agent license requirements by state, including training, exam, and fingerprinting requirements.


Fingerprinting Required?

Number of Hours of Pre-Exam Training Required

Exam Passage Required Before Applying for License?

State Statute or Resource



20 hours for life; health; property; casualty; personal lines
40 hours for life and health; property and casualty


Alabama Insurance Code and Department of Insurance




No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, for: title, bail bond, crop, portable electronics adjuster, and limited lines credit licenses
No exam is required for motor vehicle rental agency, travel, or portable electronics producer licenses
The exam requirement is waived if applying for an Alaska resident license within 90 days of canceling a resident license in another state with the same lines of authority

Alaska Insurance Code and Division of Insurance



Yes, first-time insurance exam takers must be fingerprinted
Applicants with an existing license or who are adding a new line do not require fingerprinting

No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, if primary residence/place of business is Arizona or applicant has relocated from another state and wants a license not previously held
No test passage is required if applicant is licensed in good standing in home state (outside of Arizona) or applicant is relocating to Arizona and wants to hold the same sort of license as in previous state

Arizona Revised Statutes and Arizona Department of Insurance



No fingerprinting or background check required, but applicant must provide two forms of identification at exam

20 hours for life; accident, health and sickness; property; casualty; and personal lines



Arkansas Insurance Department



Yes, and fingerprinting services are provided at the exam site

12 hours of ethics training plus:
20 hours for life only; accident and health only; personal lines; limited line automobile
40 hours for life, accident, and health; fire/casualty


California Insurance Code and Department of Insurance



50 hours for life, accident and health, property, casualty, property and casualty, and personal lines


Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies



40 hours for life; accident and health; property; casualty; personal; public adjuster
80 hours for life, accident, and health; property and casualty


Connecticut Insurance Code and Insurance Department



No, but applicant must obtain and submit State and FBI criminal history report

No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, for some types of insurance licenses
For crop insurance, applicants may instead submit Crop Adjuster Proficiency Program Cards

Delaware Insurance Code and Licensing Procedure

District of Columbia

No, but applicant must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, for residents
Nonresident applicants licensed and in good standing in another state can be licensed through reciprocity

District of Columbia Insurance Statutes and Department of Insurance



Yes for most types of licenses

40 hours for: life and variable annuity; health only
60 hours for: life, health, and variable annuity; personal lines
200 hours for general lines (property and casualty)


Florida Insurance Code and related resources



8 hours for variable products
10 hours for navigator
20 hours for life; accident and sickness; property; casualty; personal lines
40 hours for life, accident and sickness; property and casualty


Georgia Insurance Code and Office of Insurance



No pre-exam training hours required


Hawaii Insurance Code and Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs


Yes, and fingerprinting services is available at the test site

No pre-exam training hours required


Idaho Insurance Code and Department of Insurance


No, but applicant must provide two forms of identification on exam day

12.5 hours for motor vehicle (5 hours of which must be in classroom setting)
20 hours for any other line of authority (7.5 of which must be in the classroom setting)


Illinois Insurance Code and Department of Insurance



10 hours for title
20 hours for life; health; personal lines and casualty
40 hours for life and health; personal and commercial property and casualty
An applicant may qualify to waive these requirements if they hold a certain professional degree

Yes, for: life; health; life and health; property and casualty; personal lines; surplus lines producer; bail agent; recovery agent; public adjuster
No exam required for: limited line credit; title; travel; portable electronics

Indiana Insurance Code and Department of Insurance


No, but applicants must bring two forms of identification to exam

No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, and must apply for license within 90 days of passing exam

Iowa Insurance Code and Insurance Division



No pre-exam training hours required


Kansas Insurance Code and Insurance Department


No, but applicants must apply for a criminal background report through the Administrative Offices of Courts

20 hours each for life, health, property, casualty, and personal lines


Kentucky Insurance Code and Department of Insurance


Yes, and fingerprinting services is available at the exam site

8 hours for bail bonds
20 hours for: life; health and accident; property; casualty; personal lines
40 hours for: life, health and accident; property and casualty
Certain professional qualifications allow an applicant to forego pre-licensing training


Louisiana Department of Insurance


No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, for resident applicants
Non-resident applicants with an active license from another state can apply for licensure without taking an exam

Maine Insurance Code and Bureau of Insurance



No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

20 hours each for life; accident and health; property; casualty; personal lines; personal and commercial automobile


Maryland Insurance Code and Insurance Administration


No, but applicants must answer background questions in license application

No pre-exam training hours required


Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation


No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

20 hours each for life; accident and health; property; casualty; personal lines


Michigan General Insurance Laws and Department of Insurance and Financial Services


Yes, and fingerprinting service is provided at the test site

20 hours each for life; accident and health; property; casualty; personal lines


Minnesota Insurance Code and Department of Commerce


No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

20 hours for life; accident and health; property; casualty; personal lines
40 hours for bail agent


Mississippi Insurance Code and Insurance Department


No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required


Missouri Department of Insurance



No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, for: casualty; health; life; property; limited lines of credit
No exam required for variable; surety; travel

Montana Insurance Code and Insurance Office



6 hours for crop
20 hours for life and annuities; accident and health or sickness; property; casualty; personal
40 hours for life and annuities; accident and health or sickness; property and casualty


Nebraska Insurance Code and Department of Insurance


Yes, and fingerprinting services are provided at the test Las Vegas and Reno testing sites

20 hours each for life; health; property; casualty; personal lines


Nevada Insurance Code and Division of Insurance

New Hampshire


No pre-exam training hours required


New Hampshire Department of Insurance

New Jersey


20 hours each for life; accident and health; property; casualty; personal lines


New Jersey Insurance Code and Department of Banking and Insurance

New Mexico

No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required


New Mexico Insurance Code and Office of Superintendent of Insurance

New York

Yes, for most types of licenses

20 hours for life; accident and health
40 hours for life, accident, and health; personal lines; public adjuster
90 hours for property and casualty

Yes, but applicants who can complete a Statement of Employer form based on work experience are exempt from exam

New York Insurance Law and Department of Financial Services

North Carolina


10 hours for Medicare supplement/Long-Term Care
20 hours for life; accident and health or sickness; property; casualty; personal lines


North Carolina Insurance Code and Department of Insurance

North Dakota

No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required


North Dakota Insurance Code



20 hours each for life; accident and health; property; casualty; personal lines


Ohio Insurance Code and Department of Insurance



No pre-exam training hours required


Oklahoma Department of Insurance



20 hours for each line of authority


Oregon Insurance Code and Division of Financial Regulation



24 hours each for life; accident and health; life, accident and health; property; casualty; property and casualty; personal lines

Yes, and applicant can for apply for license by kiosk at the exam site immediately after exam passage

Pennsylvania Insurance Code and Insurance Department

Rhode Island

No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required


Rhode Island Insurance Code and Department of Business Regulation

South Carolina

No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required


South Carolina Department of Insurance

South Dakota

No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required


South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation



20 hours for life; accident and health; property; casualty
30 hours for personal lines
40 hours for life, accident and health; property and casualty


Tennessee Insurance Code and Department of Commerce and Insurance



Varies depending on the line of authority

Yes, for some lines of authority

Texas Insurance Code and Department of Insurance



No pre-exam training hours required


Utah Insurance Code and Insurance Department



No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, license application can be submitted electronically 48 hours after exam passage

Vermont Insurance Code and Department of Financial Regulation


No, but applicants must provide two forms of identification at exam

No pre-exam training hours required

Yes, for some types of lines of authority

Virginia Insurance Code and State Corporation Commission



20 hours for each major line of authority


Washington Insurance Code and Office of the Insurance Commissioner

West Virginia

Yes, applicants must schedule fingerprinting after passing exam

20 hours each for life; accident and sickness; property; casualty; and personal lines


West Virginia Insurance Code and Offices of the Insurance Commissioner



16 hours for navigators
20 hours each for life; accident and health; property; casualty; and personal lines


Wisconsin Insurance Code and Commissioner of Insurance


Yes, for initial license

No pre-exam training hours required


Wyoming Insurance Code and Department of Insurance

Legal Help with Insurance Agent Licensing

The decision to become a licensed insurance agent is the beginning of an exciting journey. Before starting out, be sure you completely understand the licensing process in your state, especially if you are relocating from one state to another. Along the way, you may encounter legal obstacles. If so, you may want to speak with an experienced attorney who practices insurance law.

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