Where to Find DUI Classes Online

If you have been convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), you've probably spent many hours researching the law, talking to attorneys, arranging rides to and from the courthouse, and taking care of other related matters. But now that you've been convicted of the crime, you'll need to figure out how to pay that steep fine, apply for a limited use license and have an ignition interlock device installed (if required to do so), and maybe even serve time behind bars. It really depends on the details of your case, the competence of your legal defense, and the DUI laws of your state. However, the vast majority of jurisdictions also require DUI offenders to complete special DUI classes, online in many instances.

While some states also require offenders to complete a substance abuse treatment plan in addition to a DUI class, these two components sometimes are combined into the same program. The links below will help you find DUI classes online, which are typically provided by non-governmental entities that are licensed by the state.

Additionally, you can search the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The providers listed in this database all have been approved by their respective state substance abuse agencies, but make sure they specifically meet the requirements of your state's DUI program.

Resources to Help You Find Treatment Programs and DUI Classes Online


Accountability Courts: Educational Programs (Alabama Courts)

Court Referral Educational Programs List (interactive map of educational programs)


Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)

Private Substance Abuse Treatment Agencies Certified by the State of Alaska for Criminal Justice Referrals (Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services)

Directory of State-Approved Alcohol/Drug Information School (ADIS) Programs


Screening, Treatment and Education Facilities (Az. Dept. of Transportation)


Drug and Alcohol Safety Education Program (DASEP)


Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Programs (Ca. Dept. of Health Care Services)

Provider Directory: DUI Programs


Alcohol and Drug Classes and What You Should Know About Them (Co. Dept. of Revenue)


Guide to Special Sessions and Diversionary Programs in Connecticut (Ct. Superior Court, Criminal Division)

Pretrial Alcohol Education Program Application (Ct. Superior Court, Judicial Branch)


Alcohol Program - DUI Providers (Delaware DMV)

District of Columbia

Traffic Alcohol Program (Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia)


Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Providers (Fla. Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles)

Florida Licensed DUI Programs (search by county)


DUI Intervention Program (Ga. Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities)

Certified DUI Schools (Ga. Dept. of Driver Services)


Driver Education (Hawaii State Judiciary)

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division: Treatment Providers (Hawaii Dept. of Health)


Substance Abuse Treatment Providers (Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare)


Access to Recovery (Ill. Dept. of Human Services)


Court Alcohol and Drug Program (Indiana Judicial Center)


OWI Education (Iowa Dept. of Education)

Iowa Recovery Facility Locator (DrugFreeInfo.org)




State Approved Substance Abuse Treatment Programs (Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services)




Maine Driver Education and Evaluation Programs for OUI Offenders (Maine Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services)


12-Hour Alcohol Education (AEP) Program Requirements (Md. Dept. of Transportation)

Maryland Certified Treatment Directory


Substance Abuse Services (Mass. Dept. of Health and Human Services)


Driver Education Provider and Instructor Listings (Mich. Secretary of State)




MASEP: A DUI Intervention (Social Science Research Center)

Alcohol and Drug Services (Mississippi Dept. of Mental Health)


Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program (Mo. Dept. of Mental Health)

SATOP Providers


Assessment, Course, and Treatment (ACT) Program (Montana Dept. of Transportation)

State Approved ACT Providers




Nevada DUI Schools (Nevada DMV)

New Hampshire

Impaired Driving Program (N.H. Dept. of Health and Human Services)

Impaired Driver Care Management Programs (IDCMP) and What They Offer

New Jersey

Intoxicated Driving Program (N.J. Dept. of Human Services)

Intoxicated Driver Resource Centers: Public Referral Contact Directory

New Mexico

DWI Schools Approved in New Mexico (N.M. Dept. of Transportation)

New York

The Impaired Driver Program (N.Y. DMV)

Approved Impaired Driver Programs by County

North Carolina

Finding a DWI Services Provider (N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services)

DWI Services Provider Database

North Dakota

Licensed 16-Hour DUI Seminar Providers (N.D. Dept. of Human Services)


The Ohio Driver Intervention Program Directory (Ohio Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services)

Driver Intervention Program


Alcohol and Drug Substance Abuse Course (Ok. Dept. of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services)


Oregon Substance Use Disorders Services Directory (Oregon Health Authority)


DUI / DWI Classes (Highway Safety Central)

Rhode Island

Alcohol Education (R.I. DMV)

South Carolina

South Carolina Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (S.C. Dept. of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services)

South Dakota



DUI Schools in Tennessee (Tn. Dept. of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services)


Offender Education Program: Live Online Search (Tx. Dept. of State Health Services)

DWI Education Program: General Information


Driving Under the Influence Prime for Life Education Classes (Ut. Dept. of Human Services)

DUI Education Centers by City


Drinking Driver Rehabilitation Program: Project CRASH (Vt. Dept. of Health)


Virginia Alcohol and Safety Action Programs (Va. Commission on VASAP)

Locate an Alcohol Safety Action Program Office


Directory of Certified Chemical Dependency Services (Wa. State Dept. of Social and Health Services)

West Virginia

West Virginia DUI Safety and Treatment Program Requirements (W.V. Dept. of Health and Human Resources)

Providers of West Virginia DUI Safety and Treatment Programming


Alcohol and Drug Assessment (Wis. Dept. of Transportation)


Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Services (Wy. Dept. of Health)

Get Professional Legal Help With Your Drunk Driving Case

Impaired driving charges are quite common, but that doesn't mean they aren't taken seriously. If you're convicted of a DUI, you'll lose your driving privileges for a certain amount of time, pay fines, and maybe even spend some time in jail. The best way to protect your interests is to speak with a DUI attorney, who can help you find DUI classes online and generally "soften the blow" from a DUI charge. 

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Can I Solve This on My Own or Do I Need an Attorney?

  • Complex DUI situations usually require a lawyer
  • DUI defense attorneys can challenge Breathalyzer/Intoxilyzer or blood test results
  • A lawyer can seek to reduce or eliminate DUI penalties
  • A lawyer can help get your license back

Get tailored advice and ask your legal questions. Many attorneys offer free consultations.


 If you need an attorney, find one right now.