Halloween and Law Firms? Some Things Just Don't Mix

Halloween is one of those holidays that isn't just fun for kids; it evolves and changes with you as you get older. And while adults should let loose too and have fun on All Hallows' Eve, it's probably best to leave the festivities out of the office.
That said, we know some firms are a bit more festive than others so here's a little primer on getting through Halloween, and keeping your job.
1. Don't Bring Sexy Back
If the packaging on your costume has the word "sexy" in front of it, (i.e., sexy crayon, sexy Alice in Wonderland, etc.) then do not wear it to work, or any work-related Halloween event (i.e., a co-worker's party).
Even if it's not an official work event, you ask? Yes, skip the sexy. You want people to think of you as a professional and not have images of you as sexy Bo Peep flashing in their minds while you are in a meeting.
2. Don't Make Fun of Clients
Two years ago, lawyers from a New York-based law firm that specialized in foreclosures thought it would be funny to dress up as homeless people for a firm Halloween party, reported The New York Times. Besides telling the world that you are a jerk, it's just not funny (and probably unethical).
3. Don't Get Wasted
This should be etched in your brain by now, but law firm functions, though often boasting an open bar, are not all-you-can-drink events. Keep it together, please.
4. Can v. Should
Just because you can wear a costume to work, doesn't mean you should. Halloween is a business day and you don't know if you'll be called to sit in on a deposition or client meeting. You don't want the fact that you're wearing a clown costume to be the deciding factor in whether you are invited or not.
5. Be Clever
If you are going to wear a costume to work, put some thought into it and come up with something funny or clever.
What are you going to be for Halloween? Are you bringing the party to work? Let us know on Facebook at FindLaw for Legal Professionals.
Editor's note, November 1st, 2016: This article was first published in October, 2013. It has since been updated.
Related Resources:
- In Case You Don't Have a Law Halloween Costume Yet... (FindLaw's Greedy Associates Blog)
- Top 10 Scary Legal Myths for Attorneys (FindLaw's Strategist Blog)
- 5 Ideas for Supreme Court Halloween Costumes (FindLaw's U.S. Supreme Court Blog)