In Case You Don't Have a Law Halloween Costume Yet...

The law is demanding but luckily there are opportunities such as Halloween that allow those in the legal community to chuckle at themselves, and each other, without the danger of being held in contempt of court.
So, in case you haven't landed on the perfect law Halloween costume yet, take a gander at these. Quid pro quo: you may need a legal audience to get the full attention and praise your deserve.
And now, you'll see why...
Keep a lookout for ways to find your next legal or non-legal job coming out next week. And if you dare, check out the Top 10 Scary Legal Myths for Attorneys.1. "The Socratic Method"
Drape yourself in Greek-inspired toga fashion with a name tag that says "Socrates". Hold a "Method" brand cleaner in your hand. And hey, hey it's Socrates' Method, otherwise known as...
2. "International Shoe (v. Washington)"
If you are a Civ Pro buff, or exactly the opposite, consider revisiting this landmark Supreme Court case which you have or will spend many a class discussing. Think international by wearing accessories from around the world and funky oversized shoes. There are a number of jokes, g-rated and otherwise, that can come from requiring minimum contacts for personal jurisdiction.
3. "Assault and Battery"
In one hand, carry a large large salt shaker that is clearly labeled. And in the other, an oversized battery. A "salt" and get the idea. And if you see someone roaming around without a costume who you'd like to know a little better, offer them either of the items, and instantly an idea for one becomes a costume for two. Being able to name the elements of each in common law might lend the simple get-up a little street cred...
4. "Lawsuit"
Think suit. Think law. Wear a suit attached with your favorite law. Some suggestions include Amendments of the Constitution, the UCC, Restatement of Torts. Hey, you might be able to get to brush up on famous law a little in the process.
5. "The Supreme(s) Court Justices"
Put together robes, wigs, gavels, and heels and what do you get? The sizzling performance sensation of the country's High Court. Extra points for adapting a few of the Supremes' hits with legal jargon. May we suggest "Stop, in the Name of Law" and "Come See About Settling" as a place to start.
6. "Mistrial"
Miss America will have nothing on Miss Trial. A sash labeled "Trial", a tiara, and bouquet of pleading papers should make quite an impression. Be ready to name a few famous mistrials. You know, for the talent portion.
7. "Voir Dire"
This one will take a minute to get, and will require a little explanation to a non-litigating crowd. Dress up like a deer and mark your forehead with "VOIR". And voila, you have voir dire. Explaining its pronunciation and its definition involving jury selection is all you.
8. "Billable Hour"
Dress up like an hourglass and hold a billing statement. Classic and for anyone in or out of a law firm (or anyone who has had to foot such a bill), it is sure to inspire a few laughs, or some other spirited reaction.
9. "In-House Counsel"
It's no secret that in-house counsel positions are often much sought-after. If you don't have an in-house position, at least you can dress up like one on Halloween. Create a hat that resembles a roof. Carry a briefcase, and there you have it, you're in-house for a day. Er, kind of.
10. "Justice"
This is for someone who gets to the door of a Halloween party and realizes that everyone, including the pets, are in costume. No costume? No problem. Just enter the gathering with confidence, and when your host holds a glass filled with ice ready to pour a drink, simply respond "Thanks, but it's 'just ice' for me tonight." Repeat that throughout the night to anyone who asks what you are, and you're golden.
Happy Halloween from Greedy Associates!
Related Resources:
- The Funniest Resume Gaffes Not To Make (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Divorce Court - The Music Video (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- How Associates Can Adapt to Cube Culture (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)