Teacher Mocks Student's Hairstyle on Facebook

Lucinda Williams is not happy.
After outfitting her 7-year-old daughter with Jolly Rancher hair, she sent her off to Chicago's Overton Elementary for its scheduled picture day.
Unfortunately, the girl's computer teacher was amused by the look, taking a photo to share with her Facebook friends.
They made fun of the girl, and the teacher is now being sued.
Lucinda Williams is a hairdresser, so when her second grader asked her to recreate a hairstyle from a magazine for picture day, she didn't hesitate--even though it required her to attach Jolly Ranchers to the ends of the girl's braids.
A computer teacher at Overton Elementary didn't feel the same. She asked the girl to pose for a photo while allegedly telling the girl that her husband would not "believe this," reports the Daily Mail.
The teacher posted the photo on Facebook, where her friends proceeded to make fun of the Jolly Rancher hair and degrade the little girl, according to the Chicago Tribune.
When another mother at Overton Elementary told Lucinda Williams about the photo, she was furious. And now she's suing the school and the teacher for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (IIED), reports the Chicago Tribune.
It's particularly difficult to determine the outcome of an IIED lawsuit, since it is a notoriously hard tort to prove and often requires a defendant to show physical manifestations of severe emotional distress. However, the fact that this case involves a young child and her teacher indicates that a judge and jury might be more receptive to the suit.
Yes--even if they think the Jolly Rancher hair was a bit ridiculous.
Related Resources:
- Teacher posts and mocks photo of student on Facebook (Today)
- Teachers' Rights: Tenure and Dismissal (FindLaw)
- Some Miners Survived Initial Massey Mine Blast (FindLaw's Injured)
- Teacher, School Sued for Bullying Kid (Boston Personal Injury News)