TX Ballpark Urinal 'Peeping Tom' Arrested for Child Porn

A peeping tom was arrested at Rangers ballpark in Arlington, Texas back in May. Now it appears he will face both state and federal child pornography charges.
Michael Manske, a registered sex offender, wasn't exactly subtle when he started checking out boys in the restroom. Someone noticed his inappropriate glances and reported it to a police officer. The officer found Manske and questioned him. That questioning led to some interesting discoveries.
Manske clearly didn't know the eyes-forward-at-the-urinal rule.
When the officer stopped Manske, he allegedly found pictures of nude boys on his cell phone. That is likely what led to the child pornography charges.
Most states have laws against child pornography which includes naked pictures of children that are intended for sexual stimulation. Based on the charges, it appears state prosecutors believe that the photos violate Texas law.
But he's also been charged with violating federal law.
If a sex offense occurs purely within a given state, it likely won't be a federal offense. For crimes that affect interstate or foreign commerce, federal laws may also be triggered.
The cell phone Manske used was manufactured in China and according to the complaint that's how prosecutors are charging him with a federal offense.
With global manufacturing, it doesn't take much to invoke foreign commerce.
This isn't Manske's first offense according to the Star-Telegram. He has previously been found guilty of misdemeanor indecent exposure twice and once convicted of criminal trespass.
After the most recent indecent exposure incident he was required to register as a sex offender.
This Texas peeping tom didn't photograph any boys in the ballpark restroom but he did allegedly take pictures of fully clothed boys which were found on his cell phone. He was charged by state prosecutors for both the nude photos and the clothed pictures.
Related Resources:
- Peeping Tom suspect arrested at Rangers Ballpark faces child porn charge (The Dallas Morning News)
- Sex Offender in Cookie Monster Suit Arrested (FindLaw's Free Enterprise)
- Sex Offenders After Prison: Sex Offender Monitoring (FindLaw's Blotter)