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Stormy Daniels Sues Trump for Defamation

By George Khoury, Esq. | Last updated on

There are tire fires, and then there are tire fires. And when it comes to the controversy surrounding President Trump and adult film actress Stormy Daniels, there's really no better way to describe it than a tire fire.

Apparently, thanks to the Tweeter-in-Chief's April 18 tweeted comment, and retweeting of some Twitter trash talk, about Stormy Daniels, the actress has filed a defamation lawsuit against Trump. The post in question asserts that Stormy Daniels lied about the man who threatened her, and that the sketch artist drawing is actually a former boyfriend.

Twitter Trouble Foiled and Bumbled

While Stormy Daniels may have delayed telling anyone about the mystery man that threatened her and her infant daughter in a Las Vegas parking lot a couple weeks after being interviewed by In Touch magazine in 2011, given the context and what we've learned since this story first broke, the President's defense may sit on shaky legal grounds. If the case is allowed to proceed, the burden may be on Trump to prove that the mystery man doesn't exist, as he clearly was not stating his opinion in his tweet calling the sketch "fake news." Though given Stormy Daniels' status as a public figure, proving actual malice may also prove to be a challenge.

Curiously, the president's not so well thought out insult only served to further dogpile the Twitter hate that Stormy Daniels' allegations were already generating. The Tweet that POTUS retweet-commented on basically claimed Stormy Daniels lied and that she described her ex-boyfriend to the sketch artist. Since the tweet, according to the lawsuit, she has received death threats, and threats of violence. Though it may be understandable for the President to be upset, his Tweet about the sketch, while perfectly in character for him, is problematic, to say the least.

Even more curiously, despite what we all have read, President Trump, probably taking a tip from his arch-nemesis's husband, has steadfastly maintained that he never had a sexual relationship with Stormy Daniels. As expected, the White House and President have not commented on the newest lawsuit.

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