3 Certifications for Lawyers That Can Boost Your Business

As a lawyer, the obvious way to pick up more business is to get more clients, but another effective way to get more work is to earn an additional certification.
There are several areas of law in which clients need the help of another professional to get things done. But in some of those situations, you can provide both services for your client so there's no need for them to go somewhere else for help.
Not only does that mean more time on the case, it also makes you a one-stop shop which can be attractive to clients. So here are some certifications that can help your practice grow:
- Notary. Many areas of the law require that signed documents also be notarized, which means you either need to hire a notary for your office or send the work out to someone. But it's relatively easy to become a registered notary, after which you can be the one to stamp official documents as long as you don't have an interest in them.
- Real Estate Broker. In some states like California, it's possible for an attorney to become a broker automatically as long as you fill out the paperwork and pay your dues. Even if you do need to go through additional training, it could still be worthwhile if you practice real estate law or business law. But if you help small business owners, make sure you have a license for commercial real estate too.
- Tax preparer. As a tax attorney, you don't need much to be a certified tax preparer and it won't necessarily change what work you're allowed to do for clients. But it can be helpful as a marketing tactic, and it will certainly look good when you put it on your website. That's the kind of additional certification that will have a big impact for your practice.
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