Do You Suffer From Computer Vision Syndrome?

If you work in an office and spend any time in front of a computer, there's a good chance you suffer from the symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
We've all experienced it: the dry eyes, the slight burning, the back issues, and the headaches. And we know that we all need computers to do our work. So what can we do to combat this problem?
Here to Stay
The world is addicted to the screen. Whether it be on a laptop, mobile device, or even a large-screen television in one's bedroom, it seems that screens are everywhere.
For a good many of us, they're also at our work. And almost everybody knows somebody who has suffered the effects of staring at a computer screen for too long. Eye specialists and doctors have known about this problem for a while. They note that some professions are especially at risk given their reliance on the computer screen.
Almost every doctor, accountant, banker, engineer, tech specialist, etc., must use a computer on an hourly basis. According to two doctors out of Nigeria, 70 million people worldwide are at risk for some form of CVS, and it only looks that things will be getting worse.
Fortunately, there are a few tricks that office employees can use to ease the pain:
1. Standing Desks
You've seen them, and now it's time you either demanded them from your employer or get one yourself. Standing desks are an investment in your back and cardiovascular health. New studies suggest improvements to one's heart health after a few weeks of consistent use. But of course, every improvement is a double-edged sword. Take the time to learn the risks and weigh them against the benefits.
2. Glare Reducing Glasses
Many screens are particularly bad at flicker-glare caused by blue-light. Those within the programming community have long used yellow-tinted lenses because of unconfirmed reports that such lenses reduce the eye-strain associated with staring at screens for so long. Many swear by their effectiveness, but we suspect some people do it for geek-cred, too.
3. Screens at Least an Arm's Length Away
Encourage your eyes to focus on objects at least an arm's length away. Most people -- particularly laptop users -- fall into the habit of leaning into their screens and crossing their eyes. This is not at all good for the muscles in your eyes. If you must, boost the font size, but avoid the temptation to lean in.
4. Rest
You're not gonna want to hear this, but your human body needs rest. In today's office culture, taking a rest carries the danger that you might look to be slacking off, but attitudes are shifting slightly. Do yourself a solid by reading the report suggesting that persons who rest 17 minutes periodically are actually more productive.
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